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Home Magic – Superb Simmer Pot Mixes from The Lancashire Witch

By Paganism, Reviews, ShoppingNo Comments

The Lancashire Witch is a Witchy shop. The bricks and motor shop is based Leyland, Lancashire, but they also have an online shop.

All their products and services are designed, developed and delivered by an expert Witch, named Sally.

Sally is an intergenerational Witch being trained from a young age by her mother and grandmother. Sally is wonderful. Friendly, helpful and really knows her stuff.

The Lancashire Witch sells everything a Witch could need under one roof. This includes: Herbs, Resins, Roots, Bones, Flowers, Barks, Spell Oils, Spell Powders, various Tools, Incenses, Floor Washes, Spell Inks, Sprays, Rice, Honey Jars, Bath Salts, Candles and Crystals. It’s a one stop shop for all your magical needs!

I recently got my hands on this Money Magnet Simmer Pot Mix. This is handmade Sally (the Witch herself) is blessed and intended for its purpose. What is a simmer pot mix I hear you ask?

A simmer pot mix is a collection of herbs, roots, barks, dried fruit and flowers that you put into a pan and then simmer for as long as possible. This process releases the magic out of the spell ingredients and releases it into the Universe. It’s a brilliant idea and one a type of spell casting I have never ever thought of doing before.

This is what the Money Magnet Simmer Pot Mix looks like in the pan:

Now, first things first. It smells magical and absolutely divine. The smell throws well, filling my kitchen and living room (tip: open all the doors inside your home that you can and let the scent spread throughout your home). You’ve got to try one of these, if only for the scent that comes completely natural world. Sally only uses the produce of nature and never anything artificial.

The great thing is that The Lancashire Witch does these simmer pot mixes around every sort of spell work you could think of, including: luck magic, cleansing, blessing, healing, hexing, love, etc. And if you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can even order a custom simmer pot mix suited to your intention.

In terms of Spell effectiveness, we’ll have to wait and see. I only just simmered this morning. But I’ve had many other products and services from The Lancashire Witch and they are always effective and often quickly.

Blog soon,


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A New Moon Spell for a New Job

By Creativity, PaganismNo Comments

Image From & Copyright © The Angry Cauldron, 2017.

For this spell you will need:

1. Before a new moon, scratch/mark the yellow candle with the initials of the job title for the job you want.

2. Charge the candle with energy of your own.

See the golden energy moved down from your head, into your heart and then down your arm and into the candle in your hand. Imagine being offered the job and feel the happiness and excitement when it happens. Send the image of you being offered the job from your head into the candle. Feel the happiness and excitement in your heart and send that down and into the candle. Repeat this visualisation least 12 times. This should take you several minutes.

3. Anoint the candle with oil to seal in the energy.

4. On the first day of the new moon, say the following as you light the candle and repeat 9 times:

Make the (job title) job mine,
Let me be great at the job and my talents shine.

Let me interview well, myself I sell,
Let me be the best there is!

Let the money come in,
And may I enjoy it with a grin.

As the Moon does grow,
Let the magic in this spell flow,
Release it into the cosmos slow and steady,
So that everything falls in to place and is ready.

As I will it, so it is.

5. Burn the candle over several days. Each time you relight the candle, repeat the words above.

Note: This spell is to help you get the job on an energy/magical level. You still need to do the physical hard work of applying, preparing for interview and giving a good interview.

If you’ve done the hard work, the spell and don’t get offered the job, remember that there maybe a bigger reason why not. One that you can’t see now, but will do in the future.

Blog soon,


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Book Review: Spellcraft for Hedge Witches by Rae Beth

By Amazon, Books & Authors, Paganism, ReviewsNo Comments
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Spellcraft for Hedge Witches is a remarkable book about natural magic, spell craft and paganism by Rae Beth.

It is aimed at Hedge Witches (solitary practitioners) of all levels who are in need of healing for themselves or others.

Beth’s part-conversational and part-instructional writing style is engaging and informative.

Spellcraft for Hedge Witches covers all things natural magic including:

  • The basics: tools, visualisation, magic as energy, how to raise – intent – release energy and the importance of having a strong emotional resonance when spell casting.
  • Throughout brief mentions of the history of the Craft.
  • Magical Correspondence (along with why they’re important).
  • More advanced ways of working (nicely done as the book progresses so does the spell craft).
  • How to communicate and work with: the Fae, elemental spirits and the God/Goddess.

Here’s a list of spells in the book:
1. Spell to Heal Anything.
2. Chant for Power.
3. Spell to Banish Abuse from a Relationship.
4. Spell to Banish Humiliation.
5. Spell to Counter an Ill Wish.
6. Spell to Gain Psychic Protection.
7. Spell for Transforming Destructive Feelings.
8. Spell to Heal Psychological Trauma.
9. Spell for Justice.
10. Spell to Consecrate Your Life to a Chosen Purpose.
11. Spell to Gain the Right Home.

Dotted throughout Spellcraft for Hedge Witches are superb illustrations and purely on a visual front, these would have been even better if they had been in colour.

I’ve been pagan for well over a decade and still learned many things from Spellcraft for Hedge Witches. Beth also reminded more of many more things that I already knew, but had forgotten about. I found the ideas in this book inspiring.

Throughout Spellcraft for Hedge Witches Beth encourages the reader to be creative when spell casting and do what works for them. Beth truly is a wise-woman and this book is bursting with her wisdom.

I would highly recommend Spellcraft for Hedge Witches to any Witch, pagan or other follower of an earth-based religion. I bought it from The Goddess and the Green Man shop on a recent trip Glastonbury (read about it and see photos by clicking this link). It is available to buy on Amazon.

Review soon,


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The Two Rules of Spell-Casting

By Love & Relationships, PaganismNo Comments

If your pagan to cast a Spell you gather energy some from yourself and some from other sources (earth, air, fire, water & cosmos) and use your Will to give the energy an intention. Then you send the energy into the Astral Plane to start working on bringing the changes that you want in your life. There are two rules to spell-casting that I’ve recently been reminded of:

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And using these songs as inspiration I raised energy, gave it the intention and sent it on it’s way.

Well this was what followed over about three months:

  • A drunk, supposedly straight guy appearing at my door in the early hours of the morning wearing nothing but a towel offering me some you-know-what.
  • Meeting another supposedly straight guy and his fiancée at a party. His fiancee went off to work and as the party went on he got drunker and drunker which resulted in him inviting me back to his (while his fiancée is working) for some you-know-what.
  • Some other supposedly straight guy asking for a quick thumble.

Needless to say, I didn’t take any of these men up on their offers.

Then it suddenly clicked – I wasn’t specific enough. When I cast I didn’t specify that the man had to be gay and single. Whoops. Won’t be making that mistake again.

So if your ever thinking of spell-casting, remember the two rules and you won’t go far wrong.

Write soon,


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