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I HATE How Commercial WordPress Is Becoming & Bye, Bye, Jetpack

By Technology, The Web, ThinkingNo Comments

I HATE how commercial WordPress is becoming! What went wrong? It started out as a community-based blogging platform. Now everything is about business and money and it stinks!

A good example of this is Jetpack. Jetpack is a plugin that recorded statical data about visitors and views. It used to be free and did these lovely annual reports.

Now the services provided by Jetpack, including their Stats has in the latest update become a paid model. Not just a paid model, but a subscription service – like money is no object. Sure it’s fine if you have a business and are making money.

But for a small author and blogger like me, let’s be clear: This website costs me more than it has ever earned me. But I keep it running, at a personal cost to me for my enjoyment. It’s a leisure activity.

So today, it was Bye, Bye Jetpack. I’ve removed and deleted the plugin. I encourage other bloggers to do the same. Let’s not give in to their financial demands and instead opt with our fingers and delete plugins and themes demanding money with their Dashboard banners.

It’s not just Jetpack. EVERY theme and plugin now expects you to pay, usually a subscription service, for regular updates.

Honestly if there were an alternative community-based platform, similar to WordPress’ past, that focused on development to improve user experience, rather than making developers rich, I’d switch. But there isn’t right now, meaning that at least for now I’m stuck with WordPress.

Blog – Yes blog, writing for pleasure, not to make money, soon,


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My Blog Stats for 2017

By The WebNo Comments

Here are my blog stats for 2017:


Lets have a look on how they compare against My Blog Stats for 2016. The number of blog posts was 71 in 2017 and 82 in 2016, meaning a decrease of 11 posts. However the number of comments have increased by 23 comments, with 58 comments made in 2017 versus 35 comments made in 2016.

In 2016 my blog had 1, 811, 905 hits. I don’t have data for 2017 due to switching hosting providers partway through the year. However the number of unique visitors in 2017 increased by 8,863 (35, 363 in 2017 versus 26, 500 in 2016).

The top referrer in both 2016 and 2017 was search engines. However in 2017 StumbleUpon past Facebook. Android-app remained in fourth place in 2017 as it was in 2016.

Twitter dropped off the Top Referrers list in 2017, which was disappointing as I increased tagging of relevant users, used hashtags better and tried to engage more with people on Twitter. But it was replaced with PLU Blogs which I listed my blog on as a bit of an experiment. It was also replaced by Pinterest another site that I had experimented with in 2017.

My Top Clicks for 2016 and 2017 remained the same with GuysWay first and Amazon second. However in 2017 I was glad to see Odd Prints getting some traffic from this post I wrote back in 2014: OddPrints – Print Photos in Any Size (including 3×3 & 4×4).

Fourth and Fifth on My Top Clicks relate to this blog post I wrote in 2016: A List of Famous People with Dyspraxia, Dyslexia and/or Dyscalculia. According to the stats this blog post has been popular throughout 2016 and 2017.

The sixth on My Top Clicks for 2017 was Male Massage Manchester and relates to this blog post: Review: A Marvellous Massage by a Masseur found using GuysWay.

This year (2018!) I would like to exceed the number of posts written in 2017. I’d like the comments to remain high, as well as the hits and unique visitors to continue to increase.

Write soon,



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Hosting Switch: Transferring my WordPress Blog to 1&1 from Vidahost

By Technology, The WebNo Comments

My blog has been hosted on Vidahost for a number of years. But they recently emailed to inform me a price hike. So I decided to switch to another hosting provider, this blog post is about the process of transferring my WordPress blog from one server to another.

I should add that it wasn’t just the price hike that caused me to make this decision. Customer support is much poorer now than it has been in the past. For example: I got an email stating I was running out of disk space. I opened a ticket to see if I could increase disk space without upgrading package. The Customer Agent basically said no.

Then when I was transferring my files from Vidahost’s (old) server to 1&1’s (new) server (more details below) I noticed huge error logs (2.5GB one of them) and many .core files (100-200MB each). These files had eaten up my disk space (from the usual 2GB of 10GB used). At one time a Vidahost’s Customer Agent would have looked at my files on the server to see why I had run out of space all of a sudden, spotted the problem and resolved it.


I recently switched hosting provider to 1&1’s.

I asked my friends on Facebook if they could recommend a good, UK-based Hosting provider. One of my friend’s husband recommended 1&1’s.

I decided to transfer my hosting as 1&1 offered a better price, unlimited bandwidth (which I was always in the red on Vidahost), unlimited disk space and more up-to-date servers (I’d recently had a few problems updating WordPress plugins on Vidahost servers due to PHP version).

But the prospect of moving my WordPress blog from one server to another was daunting. How the hell do I do that? I thought to myself. So I Googled it and found this great Step by Step Guide by WPExplorer.

There were a few hiccups. I successfully exported my WordPress database, but when I went to import it on the new server it timed out. I checked the database on the new server and found it was missing the last few fields. So I googled and found this site Exporting Your Database from Your Previous Host by WPEngine, which explains how to export specific fields. I exported the missing fields and then imported them. First problem solved.

Then I downloaded my files from the old server and uploaded them to the new server using ForkLift by Binarynights without any problems. I changed my wp-config.php and uploaded it. My second problem was an Error Establishing Database Connection. I googled the error and found How to Fix Error Establishing Database Connection by wpbeginner. This site helped me realise what I hadn’t updated in the wp-config.php.

My final step was to change the NameServers for my domain. I did this and my blog and emails went down for about 24 hours while NameSever propagation took place.

Once my blog and emails were back up, my final problem was that my blog wasn’t displaying right. Nothing I did fixed the problem. In the end I opened both the old server and new server’s File Explorers in Google Chrome.

It was then spotted the problem, all folders and files had different file permissions on the new server. So I changed them to match the settings on my current server, which solved the problem. Here is an article that explains more about file permissions: Ask Unbuntu – What is meaning of 755 permissions.

Another website I found extremely helpful in this transfer process was: WordPress Migration Problems and How to Fix Them by Nelio.

So there we have it. Job done.

Blog soon,



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Reader Survey 2016

By The Web, Thinking4 Comments

Hi all,

Welcome to the Reader Survey 2016! I try to do a Reader Survey once a year, as your feedback is vital. I like to know a bit about my readers, what you like and what you dislike. I want to improve my offer to you and write about things you find interesting.

Previously I’ve used Survey Monkey, but this year I’m using a WordPress Plugin called WP-Polls. The advantage with this plugin is that it can be put on the sidebar, set on random display, so that readers can answer one quick question.

For those of you who want to complete the full Readers Survey 2016, here it is with just 13 questions:


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Blog soon,


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