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Christmas 2018 – No Coal, Lots of Lovely Presents & Seeing the Magical and Musical Mary Poppins Returns

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, LifeNo Comments

Christmas was great. The best thing about it is always the precious time spent with loved ones. The food, drinks and presents are just huge pluses. This year I must have been extra good because I didn’t get any coal (the traditional gift for the naughty) and instead got lots of lovely presents:


Christmas presents I was fortunate to receive from friends and family (1).


Christmas presents I was fortunate to receive from friends and family (2).

My good friend Jayne and I went to watch Mary Poppins Returns (MPR):


Mary Poppins Returns Cinema Poster

MPR is magical, musical and all-round marvelous. It had a number of brilliant cameo appearances by: Julie Walters, Meryl Streep, Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury.

My Christmas was finished off by seeing Adam Lambert perform Believe in tribute to Cher. A gorgeous man with an amazing voice. This performance made me cry the first time I saw it. I have watched the performance numerous times since. You can see the performance below:

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The Finished Product

By Friends & Family, Happiness & JoyNo Comments

Well here it is…The Finished Product. Here are photos of my homemade hot cinnamon candles that will be Christmas/Yule presents for family and friends:


The Finished Product: My homemade candles look great.

The Finished Product: My homemade candles look great (1).

The Finished Product: Just 1 of the 22 completed (unlit).


The Finished Product: As I have only made 22, each one is numbered.


The Finished Product: Of course I had to light my trial jar to test the scent throw. As it happens it’s awesome and smells amazing (1).


The Finished Product: Of course I had to light my trial jar to test the scent throw. As it happens it’s awesome and smells amazing (2).

A lot of hard work went into them. The results are spectacular, even if I do say so myself. They look great and smell amazing – both when not lit and lit.

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Trial Run

By Happiness & Joy, ThinkingNo Comments

Trial Run – The 1st Batch of my homemade hot cinnamon candles.

Here (photoed left) is the result of my trial run of making homemade hot cinnamon candles for Christmas/Yule presents. It needs some finishing touches: a final wax top up, trimming of the wick and then some possible design/patterns using glass marker pens.

Learning from the 1st batch:

  • I will need three times the amount of paraffin wax, red dye and hot cinnamon scent I thought I would need in order to complete all of the 24 jars.
  • They have come out looking great and smell amazing.
  • I probably wont need to use the glass marker pens to add designs or pattens on to the jars, as they look fantastic as they are.

I’ll be sure to share some photos when I have the finished products.

Blog soon,



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24 Jars

By Friends & Family, Life, The Web, ThinkingNo Comments

1 of the 24 Jars.

24 jars (like the one left) have arrived today for my next creative project.

I’m going to be making red jar candles, scented with hot cinnamon for Yule/Christmas presents.

I’m going to use glass marker pens to draw patterns (or possibly designs), so that as the candle burns down it looks like stained glass with the sun behind it.

This month I will receive the supplies needed: 24 jars, 1KG of paraffin candle wax, red dye, hot cinnamon fragrance oil, wicks and glass marker pens.

Next month I will buy the tools needed: a wooden spoon, a melting pot and a food thermometer. Then I will begin production, starting with a one-candle trial.

I can’t wait to get started on this creative project. I’ve been watching many candle making videos on YouTube. It looks like such fun. I have a feeling that it will either be a huge success or a complete disaster.

I will keep you updated on my progress on this blog.

Blog soon,



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