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Witchcraft For Charity

By PaganismNo Comments

I don’t just use my Witchcraft for personal gain. I occassionally use it to help others. Here is one such case, were I’ve made magic bags to sell for someone who is raising money for charity:

These magic bags are around the themes of happiness and money and have made using the correct magical properties.

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Hello Tourmaline!

By Paganism, ShoppingNo Comments

I just ordered this gorgeous black Tourmaline chunk crystal from The Crystal Inn. They sell a wide range of crystals, so if like me you’re into crystals go check them out. Looking for a specific type or size of crystal? Contact The Crystal Inn.

Black Tourmaline is good for grounding, aura cleansing, balancing and protection. I’m going to put this beautiful crystal next to my bed, so that it can work its magic while I sleep.

Write soon,


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Book Review: The Pagan Bard by Luna Hare

By Amazon, Books & Authors, Creativity, Nature, Paganism, ReviewsNo Comments

The Pagan Bard by Luna Hare is a book containing 55 poems about the seasons and other natural/spiritual poetry. They are spread over 76 pages and are beautifully presented along with images and swirls.

The poems have been written over 30 years and are wonderfully wholesome. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each and everyone of them. In each poem, Luns takes you on a deeply personal and spiritual journey.

This book is not only enlightening but also entertaining.

If you’re looking for a nature or pagan themed poetry book, this is the one for you.

Full disclosure: I helped to edit this book.

Review soon,


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The Druid Temple – Yorkshire

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, PaganismNo Comments

Yesterday my good friend Simon and I went to visit The Druid’s Temple in Yorkshire. Not a real Druid’s temple, but a rather pleasant structure built around 200 years ago. The folly was built to give people jobs so that they could feed their families.

Essential Information

  • The is no charge to see The Druid’s Temple, but there is a charge for parking.
  • The Druid’s Template is about a 10 minute walk from parking, uphill, so might not be suitable for people with mobility problems.
  • There is a Cafe with toilets near to parking.

Blog soon,


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