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The Druid Temple – Yorkshire

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, PaganismNo Comments

Yesterday my good friend Simon and I went to visit The Druid’s Temple in Yorkshire. Not a real Druid’s temple, but a rather pleasant structure built around 200 years ago. The folly was built to give people jobs so that they could feed their families.

Essential Information

  • The is no charge to see The Druid’s Temple, but there is a charge for parking.
  • The Druid’s Template is about a 10 minute walk from parking, uphill, so might not be suitable for people with mobility problems.
  • There is a Cafe with toilets near to parking.

Blog soon,


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Venue Review: Feast at the Mills

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, Life, ReviewsNo Comments

This is a review of the outdoor venue Feast at the Mills in Wigan. Last weekend, a lovely family (who have unofficially adopted me) and I headed to Feats at the Mills. It was a Sunday lunchtime. So we had the pleasure of seeing Back to the Future on their cinema-sized screen.

On entering Feasts we saw four food vendors, a cake vendor, a coffee vendor, a bar and plenty of space to relax. I would say that the set up is very bare bones at the moment. Woodchip makes up the counters that isn’t even painted in places and electric lighting is limited.

There is also lack of heaters in the outside venue. They’ve tried to make up for this with blankets dotted around the place. But I would recommend that when you visit, dress warmly – as afterall we are in the North of England.

It should be noted for you Cash is King people that the food vendors don’t accept cash, only card payments. The bar does accept cash, but they prefer card payments. They welcome pets, families and have toilets.

Both the family and I wanted coffee and had to ask for a member of staff on both occasions to staff the stall. Yet there were three staff behind the bar and an additional one milling about and generally looking disinterested and unhappy to be there. Given the cold weather that day, you’d think they’d have kept the coffee vendor staffed at all times, as people really weren’t after alcohol at that time in the day.

Now onto the food. For me, the main attraction at any venue. They had a Stake Shack, a pizza place, a chicken place and a Greek place. I ate from the Stake Shack, getting a stake, chips and peppercorn sauce which was delicious. For desert I got pancakes and ice cream which were both brilliant. The food and live music are what make this venue truly unique, however no live music is on till about 3PM on a Sunday, which was the time we had to leave. Therefore I can only speak about the food.

Overall it was a pleasant and enjoyable experience. It is the perfect place to meet up and catch up with family/friends. The food is excellent, but what made the experience special to me was spending good times with family.

Review soon,


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Your Birthday

By Friends & Family, ThinkingNo Comments

It was your birthday yesterday. I always remember your birthday and the anniversary of your far too premature death. But some thing rather unusual happened to me yesterday. I felt the raw pain of grief in my heart at you not being physically there and had to stop to have a good cry. After my good cry, I lit a candle and wished you a Happy Birthday.

I have no idea why this particular birthday of yours brought such intense feelings of grief and loss. Perhaps I was more sensitive than normal due to lack of sleep. I’ve haven’t been sleeping well due to the constant pain from my nose.

At the weekend your family and friends are going for the annual meal to celebrate your birthday. This one will be a bit tougher than it normally is. But that’s okay. As much as I feel sadness and grief at your loss, I also smile and laugh remembering the good times together.

Big hugs,


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A Candlelight Musical Extravaganza at Manchester Cathedral

By Friends & Family, Gigs & Shows, Happiness & Joy, Music & RadioNo Comments

Tonight Mum, Hien and I went to see a string quartet from String Infusion perform at Manchester Cathedral. The evening was promoted as a musical sensory experience, with two performances. One of ABBA songs and one of Whitney Houston songs. Here are some photos from the evening, click on any photo for full size image:

We had a fantastic evening. The performance was exceptional in every sense of the word.

Blog soon,


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