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Morris the Mould

By HealthNo Comments

Let me introduce you to Morris the Mould:

This last week I’ve seen Max Fax about the hole in the roof of my mouth. Their immediate fix is Morris. He reminds me of a retainer brace I once had when I was in my teens.I’m thinking about getting him googly eyes and a wig.

But seriously, although currently uncomfortable he covers the hole allowing me to eat and drink without things coming out of my nose.

But it doesn’t seal the hole by sitting flat against it as I hoped. This means my ability to talk and be understood is still impaired.

They are looking to surgically fix the hole and potentially rebuild my septum in my nose in January. Providing that:

  1. The hole doesn’t get any worse in the meantime – not something I really have control over.
  2. That I remain smoke-free.
  3. That I manage to improve my blood sugar readings to reduce the risk of surgical complications. I’m going on an insulin pump soon, which should help with this.

I’m disappointed that Morris doesn’t sit tight against the roof of my mouth, essentially blocking the hole so that I can speak normally. In every conversation, I am struggling to be understood. For someone that’s always relied on verbal communication this is heartbreaking.

My mood is low and I feel like Vascuilitis is winning.

Take care,


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Vasculitis Facts

By HealthNo Comments

Vasculitis Facts

Vasculitis is a rare inflammatory disease which affects about 2-3000 new people each year in the UK.

Vasculitis means inflammation of the blood vessels. Any vessels in any part of the body can be affected.

Vasculitis UK – The Facts, last accessed: 07/05/24.

Vasculitis is an aggressive autoimmune disease where your white blood cells attack the small veins and arteries in a person’s eyes, nose, lungs and kidneys. The exact cause is unknown but a person is at higher risk of getting vasculitis if they have other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes.

There are different types of vasculitis including:

  • Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA), previously known as Wegener’s Granulomatosis,
  • Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA)
  • Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (EGPA), previously known as Churg-Strauss syndrome.

My ENT Consultant has referred me to a Vasculitis Specialist urgently as she is 99% sure that this is what I’ve got. I remember reading somewhere online that with one type of vasculitis the average life expectancy is 20 years from diagnosis. I’m 37 years old, which would mean my average life expectancy would be 57 years old if I have that type. Unfortunately I don’t know what type of vasculitis Doctors think I’ve got and the diagnosis isn’t yet confirmed.

Hope to have answers soon,


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Nasal Surgery Update – The Dreaded ‘V’ Word

By Health, LifeNo Comments

On Tuesday of this week, I was invited down to the hospital where I was having Nasal Surgery for a CT Scan. The CT Scan was successfully undertaken.

Two weeks before the surgery they did a blood test that indicates if vasculitis is a possibility and it was positive.

Today, after a sleepless night, filled with worry and which resulting in me writing a very short For The Unlikely Event of My Death letter, I had nasal surgery.

You may be pleased to read that I survived the general anesthetic. I’m counting this as just about the only win of the day.

They completed a nasal wash out and took several biopsies. They are 99% sure the damage has vasculitis, which is a rare and particularly aggressive autoimmune disease.

The nasal damage, vasculitis, the worry and stress are all having a negative impact on my diabetes.

So the current plan is:

  • An urgent referral to a vasculitis Consultant that will see me with 2 weeks.
  • A Chest X-Ray completed today to check for signs of vasculitis in my lungs.
  • A review by ENT Consultant in 3-4 weeks, to look at biopsy results and with a view to repairing the damage once the vasculitis is well managed.
  • Long term steroids (Prednisolone) to help manage the vasculitis.
  • An urgent referral to Dieticians to go through Carb Counting, in preparation for looking at getting an insulin pump to better manage my diabetes. Vasculitis, steroids, nasal damage, stress and anxiety will make managing my diabetes more difficult as they all increase blood sugar levels. So an insulin pump linked to a blood sugar sensor seems the way to go with this.
  • To have a telephone review by the Diabetes Specialist Nurse in 2 weeks and to look at getting a preparation for pump appointment.
  • A review by the Mental Health Team in a few weeks to look at the possibility of starting lithium as my bipolar symptoms are getting worse and other medications I’ve tried have too severe side effects.
  • Anything else I may have missed off this list.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the influx of very kind messages, wishing me well and enquiring how surgery went. I have been overwhelmed from the responses on both social media and private messages. Please forgive me if I have not replied to you individually yet.

I’m mentally and emotionally exhausted right now and there’s obviously a lot of information to process, a lot going on and a lot to do.

Write soon,


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My Law of Attraction Wishes & Goals

By Books & Authors, Creativity, Friends & Family, Gay, Gigs & Shows, Happiness & Joy, Health, Home, Inspiration, Life, Love & Relationships, Money / Finances, Music & Radio, Nature, Paganism, Thinking, TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

In my last post: My View on The Law of Attraction – Including Pro/Cons Lists, I discussed The Law of Attraction in great detail. Thinking about The Law of Attraction was useful in terms of me developing some wishes and goals for my life. Here they are, some may not appear to be realistic, but The Law of Attraction encourages you to think and feel big, so that’s exactly what I’ve done here:


  1. My Diabetes is in perfect control.
  2. I sleep well. I have plenty of energy.
  3. I’m healthy and happy.
  4. I relax regularly.
  5. I always have plenty of food available to me.


  1. I have millions of pounds in the bank.
  2. I am financially secure and prosperous.
  3. I have active subscriptions to Disney+, Amazon Prime, Amazon Music and Netflix.


  1. I own a home with a garage and garden.
  2. I always feel safe and love at home.
  3. I live near Rivington.
  4. My home is always clean and tidy. I have a cleaner that helps with this.


  1. I spend my days writing books, blog posts and articles, working 7am to 3pm, Monday to Wednesday (3 days a week).
  2. I spend one day a week (Thursday) doing addiction counselling.

Social / Romantic Relationships:

  1. I have a secure and happy relationship with a handsome, kind and funny man. I marry this man.
  2. My family, friends and husband are happy and supportive of me.
  3. I regularly do fun things with family, friends and my husband including: theatre trips, music gigs and comedy shows.
  4. I go on holiday twice a year, one holiday in the UK and one holiday abroad. Both holidays are enjoyable, places of beauty with lots of fun things to do.


  1. I feel connected to the universe. 
  2. All of my spells are successful.

Blog soon,


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