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October 2021

World Mental Health Day: 50 Ways To Relax

By Health, LifeNo Comments
World Mental Health Day

Yesterday was World Mental Health Day. But I was too busy relaxing to post this post.

We all need to relax at times and we all go through spells of finding it difficult to relax. So with this in mind, here are 50 ways to relax:

  1. Talk with friends and family.
  2. Watch a film.
  3. Burn essential oils in an oil burner.
  4. Read a book.
  5. Listen to slow music.
  6. Go for a massage.
  7. Have a reiki treatment.
  8. Have a hot bath.
  1. Have a long shower.
  2. Watch a TV series.
  3. Plan future events to look forward to.
  4. Online shopping.
  5. Drink a cold drink.
  6. Drink a hot drink.
  7. Get an Indian head massage.
  8. Take a nap.
  9. Go for a drive.
  10. Eat something sweet.
  11. Meditate.
  12. Write.
  13. Dance.
  14. Go for a walk.
  15. Take a deep breath or six.
  16. Sit in a place of natural beauty.
  17. Do something fun!
  18. Visualise you somewhere else.
  19. Get your hair cut.
  20. Get a manicure/pedicure.
  21. Take a break.
  22. Burn incense.
  23. Splash your face with some cold water.
  24. Get some essential oils and practice aromatherapy on yourself.
  25. Chill in comfy clothes.
  26. Cuddle your childhood teddy.
  27. Play with desk toys.
  28. Look through photos on your phone.
  29. Get Creative – make something.
  30. Watch some comedy.
  31. Sunbathe.
  32. Go for a meal out.
  33. Sing.
  34. Spend time with pets/animals.
  35. Put on some mood lighting.
  36. Solve a puzzle.
  37. Organise something.
  38. Tidy your environment.
  39. Ride a bus, train or the Metro Link.
  40. Help Others.
  41. Turn your phone off for an hour.
  42. Take a break from social media.

Blog soon,


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