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October 2016

Book Review: State of Wonder by Ann Patchett

By Amazon, Books & Authors, ReviewsNo Comments

Please note: This is the new book cover. I couldn’t find a high resolution image of the old cover, which I bought and much prefer.

State of Wonder is a masterpiece novel, written by true wordsmith Ann Patchett. Patchett is unbelievably talented and this book left me with a feeling of Wow.

State of Wonder starts with the death of Anders Eckman, a Research Doctor for pharmaceutical company Vogel. He was in the Amazon searching for Dr. Swenson, who had gone AWOL.

Marina Singh, Anders’ colleague, goes on a journey to the Amazon to uncover the mystery surrounding his death. On this journey, Marina will have to confront her past, learn the progress of Dr. Swenson’s research in the present, with the hopes that the life-long fertility drug will save Vogel’s future.

But what she finds is so much more than what she expected. Marina goes on a journey that transforms her from within.

State of Wonder readers will forget to eat, go to bed later than normal and completely lose track of time. Purely because they are driven to read on by all aspects of this brilliant story: the plot, the description and the characters.

The complexity of the plot is utterly captivating, completely compelling and has some great twists. Every aspect of this book’s plot is strong: the beginning, middle and end. Patchett’s superb description in State of Wonder sent my imagination into overdrive and immersed me fully into that beautiful but deadly part of the world.

Patchett’s characters are brilliantly crafted. Patchett explores a range ethical issues through her characters perspectives and gives some interesting points of view. These points of view are consistent with her characters and leave the reader plenty to think over, long after they have finished reading the book. State of Wonder is one of those rare books that leaves the reader feeling somehow changed inside.

State of Wonder is beyond marvellous. It is probably the best work of fiction that I’ve read in years. If I had to rate it out of 5 stars, I’d give it 6 stars.

State of Wonder far exceeded any expectations I had for it. My copy of the book had the old book cover which was both fantastic and appealing. I don’t know what the publishers were thinking with the new book cover (pictured above). It looks cheap and does nothing to attract a potential reader. If you’re thinking about picking up this novel, ignore any feelings about the cover and do. It is an essential read for any lover of fiction.

I cannot heap enough praise on Patchett for this novel. State of Wonder will leave readers in a State of Wonder. See what I did there? Despite this play on words, that is actually how a reader will feel when he or she finishes the book.

State of Wonder is available to buy on Amazon and at all good bookshops.

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Book Review: Commonwealth by Ann Patchett

By Amazon, Books & Authors, ReviewsNo Comments
commonwealth-ann-patchett-book-cover Commonwealth is a story about two families whose lives all change following a kiss. Every element of family life is covered in this compelling novel, including:

  • Life and death.
  • Childhood.
  • Trauma and secrets.
  • Relationship beginnings, middles and ends.
  • Love and tenderness.
  • Anger and regret.

In Commonwealth, Patchett’s writing style is wonderfully neutral and her perspective is perfect. Each of the characters are completely believable and develop, grow and change over the lifetime that the story is set over.

The plot is detailed and well thought out. Commonwealth is captivating, clever and intimate. It was totally absorbing from the very first word to the very last. I read Commonwealth literally in a few days, metaphorically eating and digesting the book.

In Commonwealth the chapters are overly long. Whilst the reader will understand the reason why Patchett has structured the chapters in this way, shorter chapters would have been more preferable.

Personally I was disappointed with Commonwealth’s UK book cover (pictured above). As I felt it did more to make the potential reader put the book down, rather than pick it up. So please don’t judge this brilliant story by it’s cover.

Commonwealth is a must read for anyone who likes stories about life and family life. It is available to buy on Amazon and at all good bookshops.

Review soon,



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The Finished Product

By Friends & Family, Happiness & JoyNo Comments

Well here it is…The Finished Product. Here are photos of my homemade hot cinnamon candles that will be Christmas/Yule presents for family and friends:


The Finished Product: My homemade candles look great.

The Finished Product: My homemade candles look great (1).

The Finished Product: Just 1 of the 22 completed (unlit).


The Finished Product: As I have only made 22, each one is numbered.


The Finished Product: Of course I had to light my trial jar to test the scent throw. As it happens it’s awesome and smells amazing (1).


The Finished Product: Of course I had to light my trial jar to test the scent throw. As it happens it’s awesome and smells amazing (2).

A lot of hard work went into them. The results are spectacular, even if I do say so myself. They look great and smell amazing – both when not lit and lit.

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Photos of My Gorgeous Bengal Cats from Yesterday

By Life, PetsNo Comments

I have two gorgeous Bengal cats named Dylan (named after comedian Dylan Moran) and Russel (named after comedian Russell Howard). Here are some photos I took yesterday evening:


Rus doesn’t like the thought of me taking ‘his’ box away (1).


Rus doesn’t like the thought of me taking ‘his’ box away (2).


Rus doesn’t like the thought of me taking ‘his’ box away (3).


Dylan posing on a cat barrel.


This photo shows just how spoilt my cats are :).

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