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Horned God Statues

By Sunday 24 December 2017Paganism, Shopping, The Web

For me paganism is about balance: light and dark, night and day, summer and winter, masculine and feminine and the Goddess and the God. Paganism is neither matriarchal or patriarchal, but both at the same time.

When it comes to statues of the Goddess and God, it seems that most pagan creators view paganism as matriarchal. You can find many statues of the Goddess in all of her forms (maiden, mother and crone). But finding statues of the God in any of his forms (youth, father and sage) is all but impossible.

Earlier in the year, I managed to buy these two horned God statues from The Goddess & The Green Man:


Here are two Horned God Statues that I bought from The Goddess & The Green Man.

Then about a month ago, I stumbled on a listing of lunamoodchild’s on ebay. I instantly fell in love with the statues she creates. Here’s a photo of the gorgeous, stunning and handmade God statues:


Gorgeous Horned God Statues by lunamoodchild on Ebay.

Lunamoodchild also creates beautiful, exquisite, and handmade Goddess statues and sets containing one statue of each or two of the same.

I’ve already bought several, which have filled up my altar. I will be buying more for presents for pagan people.

Blog soon,


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  • Sofia says:

    Hi! I know this was posted ages ago and so a response may be rare but my dad has been really wanting a statue of the horned god and for his birthday I wanted to gift him one. The one on the right in the first image is almost exactly what I am looking for. Do you know what I could search to find one like this? I’ve looked on the website you got it from but because this was from years ago I don’t think they sell it anymore. Thanks!

    • Antony says:

      Hi Sofia,

      Thanks for the comment. I bought that in Glastonbury and he was a real find. I bought him from a pagan shop, but unfortunately he didn’t come with any artist details.

      What have you tried searching for?

      Let me know how you’ve got on,

      A x

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