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Book Review: The Pagan Bard by Luna Hare

By Amazon, Books & Authors, Creativity, Nature, Paganism, ReviewsNo Comments

The Pagan Bard by Luna Hare is a book containing 55 poems about the seasons and other natural/spiritual poetry. They are spread over 76 pages and are beautifully presented along with images and swirls.

The poems have been written over 30 years and are wonderfully wholesome. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each and everyone of them. In each poem, Luns takes you on a deeply personal and spiritual journey.

This book is not only enlightening but also entertaining.

If you’re looking for a nature or pagan themed poetry book, this is the one for you.

Full disclosure: I helped to edit this book.

Review soon,


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By Gay, Happiness & Joy, Love & Relationships, Paganism, The Web, ThinkingNo Comments

Human beings are social animals and since even before the beginning of language, we developed and engaged in communities.

I, like you all are part of many communities. Including (but by no means limited to): my immediate family, my locality, nursing, gay, authors/writers and pagan/spirituality.

I love being part of every community that I am part of, but like any community I don’t always agree with or like all members.

On exceptionally rare occasions, I get into conflict with a community member. Sometimes it’s like we can’t see what brings us together as community members. Like we are too focused by difference, rather than the similarities.

It is always sad when this happens and even sadder when we can’t agree to disagree. What is difficult for me to accept, is that sometimes there is no resolution to these disagreements.

I have apologised for any offense caused. I have empathised, trying to understand another’s point of view.

I have explained my perspective and thinking. I have explained my feelings. I have sought resolution.

But unfortunately there was no resolution wanted on the other side. Perhaps with time, there may be resolution. Perhaps there may not be. But at least I’ve tried.

Best wishes & Write soon,


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A Money Bowl

By PaganismNo Comments

Money bowls bring wealth to you and your home. They originate in Chinese culture and Feng Shui. The practice of money bowls has recently become popular among Witches, Pagans, Spiritualists and other groups in the UK.

Here is my money bowl:

Good items to put in a Money Bowl include:

  • A green candle – The colour green being associated with money. (Interesting sidenote: in China the colour red is associated with wealth.)
  • Rice – Due to its historic Chinese association with wealth.
  • Cinnamon – Either sticks, ground Cinnamon or essential oil. Cinnamon is associated with money and abundance.
  • Crystals – I’ve used a Citrine point. But you can also use green stones like Adventurine and Malachite. Loadstones are great for attraction (as they are naturally magnetic), if you have them.
  • Bay Leaves – Associated with prosperity.
  • Symbols of money or wealth – Including coins and notes of the currency.
  • Chilli Flakes or Ginger – To give it a magical boost.

Making a money bowl is fun. But it’s important to not make it and then forget about it. Money bowls work by constantly feeding it your energy on a daily basis. So each day try to spend some time with it. Add items, talk to it, meditate with it, do whatever feels right.

It is inadvisable to take items out of your money bowl, as symbolically it is like subtracting wealth.

Every now and then you’ll need to refresh your money bowl to keep it being effective at drawing in the wealth.

Write soon,


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Incorporating Flowers, Herbs, Resins, Roots & Barks into My Witchcraft Thanks to The Lancashire Witch

By Paganism, ThinkingNo Comments

I’ve been a Witch for a long time. I’ve even co-authored a book on magic called SpellCast – Folk Magic for the 21st Century. But those of you who know my Witchy side well, know I’m great with candles, crystals and essential oils. But not so great with flowers, plants and trees.

It isn’t that I don’t like flowers, plants and trees, I do, I just didn’t know much about the magical uses of them in spell work. That was until I started having some good conversations with the Witch herself: The Lancashire Witch.

Yarrow, Star Anise & Oak.

Sally the owner of The Lancashire Witch is a good friend of mine. The Lancashire Witch is a traditional witchcraft shop, both in bricks and mortar in Leyland, Lancashire and online.

The Lancashire Witch sells a wide selection of Herbs, Resins, Roots, Bones, Flowers & Barks. So I’ve started my own collection bought from The Lancashire Witch. Here is my current list of flowers, plants and trees I have in stock at home and their associated magical properties:

  • Aniseed – Protection, Astral Travel, Psychic Abilities, Road Opener.
  • Bay Leaves – Money, Abundance, Success, Love & Healing. Wish Magic & Money.
  • Burdock Root – Strength, Cleansing & Protection.
  • Calendula – Happiness & Joy, Healing, Divination.
  • Carnation Flowers – Healing, Courage & Bravery. Love.
  • Chamomile – Road Opener, Promotes Good Sleep & Reduces Anxiety.
  • Chili – Magical Booster, Passion & Lust.
  • Coconut – Healing, Protection & Fertility.
  • Eucalyptus – Clarity, Healing & Cleansing.
  • Fennel Seeds – Fertility, Healing & Love.
  • Ginger – Magical Boost, Passion & Protection. Speeds Up Magic.
  • Jasmine – Reduces Anxiety, Aids Relaxation & Money Magic.
  • Mistletoe – Good Luck, Wealth & Fertility.
  • Oak Bark – Success, Stability & Strength.
  • Orange Slices (Dried) – Happiness, Friendship & Prosperity. Clarity & Focus.
  • Rose – Love (Romantic or Self-Love), Healing & Beauty.
  • Rosemary – Wisdom, Love & Aids Sleep.
  • Sage – Home Blessing, Longevity & Wisdom.
  • Sandalwood -Dispels Negative Energy, Wishes & Peace.
  • Star Anise – Protection, Good Luck & Psychic Abilities.
  • Thyme – Healing, Good Sleep & Bravery.
  • Valerian – Improving Relationships, Protection & Peace. Return to Sender Magic.
  • Yarrow – Cleansing, Love & Healing.

I plan on adding more to my collection as time goes by.

The Lancashire Witch also do some incense mixes that smell incredible, you can see them here.

Blog soon,


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