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December 2010

Review of 2010 Goals I set myself

By Thinking2 Comments

I thought I’d review the goals I set for 2010 before I write my ones for 2011.

First off Health:

1. To get my diabetes under better control by testing my blood sugars at least twice a day.
2. To put on weight. (I know most people want to loose it, but I am 10 stone which is less than I weighed at 15 years old when I was 12 stone)

My blood sugars are under better control since I learn’t to cook during my brief excursion to Benidorm (see Welcome to Benidorm and Back Home). I’m still working on testing my blood sugars twice a day. I’ve also put on a bit of weight. I still need to test my sugars twice a day.

  • Goal 1. partially completed.
  • Goal 2. fully completed.

Next Education:

3. To complete a further two modules towards my degree.

I completed one module earlier on in the year (see Promoting and Influencing Health module results) and have just completed another module on Leadership. In the new year I need to complete my Dissertation module and complete a Change for Children module.

  • Goal 3. completed!


4. To write three short stories.
5. To enter these short stories in Writing Competitions.
6. To read at least fourteen books.
7. To update/tweak/add & remove sections of my website. (as the rest of the site as been poorly maintained since the new site design)

I haven’t managed to do any creative writing this year. Although I have read a total of 14 Books (see Book List 2010). I just need to update it and add The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, which I finished reading the other day – review coming soon, promise.

I also have updated the website, although it’s still a work in progress.

  • Goal 4. and 5. not completed.
  • Goal 6. and 7. completed.

Paganism & Spirituality:

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Astral Travel for Beginners by Richard Webster but didn’t like his writing style and have not finished reading it. I have just ordered Astral Projection for Beginners by Edain McCoy as I like Edain’s writing style.

I have continued to follow Pagan Festivals but haven’t continue to work on invokation of Apollo.

  • Goal 8., 9. and 10. not completed.
  • Goal 11. completed.


12. Save regularly.
13. Pay off an Overdraft.
14. Live more frugally.

I haven’t managed to save regularly, pay off my overdraft or live more frugally. Indeed moving to and from Benidorm has increased my debt. However I have taken in a house mate to help pay off my debts quicker and am making good progress.

  • Goal 12., 13. and 14. not completed.

And Finally, Travel

15. Book a holiday to MyKonos and save for it.

Didn’t quite get to MyKonos, but did get to Benidorm.

  • Goal 15. not completed.

Although more goals were not completed than completed this year; I feel as though I have learned more this year than in the last two. My excursion to Benidrom taught me so much more than I realised at the time. Life sometimes gives opportunities for “life experience” learning. This life experience learning can’t be put on a goals list; as life decides when to offer these opportunities to you.

Will blog soon with my Goals for 2011 post!


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Thinking about Christmas

By ThinkingNo Comments

On Christmas afternoon I heard that phrase again, like last year (see Haven’t we done well, this year??). And yes we have, look:

Some of the presents I got. This year they all wouldn’t fit on the photo. (Ok to be honest, I forgot to line some up when I took the photo, the others weren’t suitable for public viewing.) I have said my thank yous to all of you who bought for me, I hope?

But, is that what Christmas is about? Coming together to unwrap glossy, bright paper to reveal the hidden treasure. Please don’t misunderstand me, I appreciate all of the presents I’ve received. It’s just that by the time the presents have been unwrapped; the dinner ate; a doctor who special is watched, it’s all over. Without any real, significant time spent with our loved ones (family, friends and lovers). We haven’t asked them how their year has been, sitting down to listen and truly hear.

So with this in mind, I am starting a new tradition next year. I want an hour round a table or near a warm fire to talk to one another. I want to feel close to my loved ones at this time, not waste a really good opportunity talking superficially about what presents we got. Because, too me, people count more than stuff.

With this said though, I’d still like some things to unwrap. Let’s just not let the topic of conversation all day be about that book/jumper/DVD/computer game/etc. unwrapped.

Oh and just too add a bit of gossip – if you don’t mind? I didn’t think so. My brother announced his girl friend is pregnant, so I’m going to be an Uncle – technically again. I will get round to writing up the post about my long lost brother and his kids. Secretly I always wished to be an uncle, I guess the moral of this story is: be careful what you wish for.

Take care,


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A New Design

By The Web4 Comments

I wanted a new design that was less formal than the last. I suffered from wordpress-theme-depression after being unable to find a theme that I like. In the end I decided to take the Plainscape design and tweak it.

It’s not exactly as I want it, so let’s call it a work in progress, kind of like me. As always, you can let me know what you think by leaving a comment. If you want to compare it to previous designs see Geeky Post: Website Development.

Write soon,


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Book Review: Look Back In Hunger by Jo Brand

By Books & Authors, History, ReviewsNo Comments
look-back-in-hunger-jo-brand Look Back in Hunger by Jo Brand was a Christmas gift to me from my friend Sye last year. As a big fan of Jo Brand I couldn’t wait to read it, finally finishing it about a month ago.

Jo’s use of witty chapter titles and writing as she would talk instantly engages the reader. Your hooked from page one, even though the subject is about motorways ones she loves and ones she doesn’t. The majority of the book focuses on her late teenage years and her early adult years before she became a TV comedian. Each chapter contains a truthful and witty story, including several about her time as a Psychiatric Nurse. It has several glossy photo pages, spaced throughout the book, so you can image what the then Jo would look like along with other important people in her life.

Although funny, cleaver and engaging I did feel that it was kept very superficial. Jo didn’t discuss life goals, or lovers or people and experiences that have helped shape her in the fabulous woman that she is. Indeed she states that there wasn’t one key reason she went in to stand up comedy. This was disappointing because all stand up comedians seem to have a reason, for acceptance from others through humour, because they were always that way – making people laugh, etc.

As I edged closer and closer to the end of the book, I started to realise that Jo wouldn’t be discussing how she got in to stand up and moved on in her TV career and I came to realise there would be another book. Overall I thought Look Back in Hunger by Jo Brand was good light witty reading, that you could dip in and out of. It’s a good introduction to were Jo Brand came from. Her latest book, the second part in this autobiography is available to buy on Amazon as well: Can’t Stand Up For Sitting Down by Jo Brand.

Blog soon,


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