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Incorporating Flowers, Herbs, Resins, Roots & Barks into My Witchcraft Thanks to The Lancashire Witch

By Paganism, ThinkingNo Comments

I’ve been a Witch for a long time. I’ve even co-authored a book on magic called SpellCast – Folk Magic for the 21st Century. But those of you who know my Witchy side well, know I’m great with candles, crystals and essential oils. But not so great with flowers, plants and trees.

It isn’t that I don’t like flowers, plants and trees, I do, I just didn’t know much about the magical uses of them in spell work. That was until I started having some good conversations with the Witch herself: The Lancashire Witch.

Yarrow, Star Anise & Oak.

Sally the owner of The Lancashire Witch is a good friend of mine. The Lancashire Witch is a traditional witchcraft shop, both in bricks and mortar in Leyland, Lancashire and online.

The Lancashire Witch sells a wide selection of Herbs, Resins, Roots, Bones, Flowers & Barks. So I’ve started my own collection bought from The Lancashire Witch. Here is my current list of flowers, plants and trees I have in stock at home and their associated magical properties:

  • Aniseed – Protection, Astral Travel, Psychic Abilities, Road Opener.
  • Bay Leaves – Money, Abundance, Success, Love & Healing. Wish Magic & Money.
  • Burdock Root – Strength, Cleansing & Protection.
  • Calendula – Happiness & Joy, Healing, Divination.
  • Carnation Flowers – Healing, Courage & Bravery. Love.
  • Chamomile – Road Opener, Promotes Good Sleep & Reduces Anxiety.
  • Chili – Magical Booster, Passion & Lust.
  • Coconut – Healing, Protection & Fertility.
  • Eucalyptus – Clarity, Healing & Cleansing.
  • Fennel Seeds – Fertility, Healing & Love.
  • Ginger – Magical Boost, Passion & Protection. Speeds Up Magic.
  • Jasmine – Reduces Anxiety, Aids Relaxation & Money Magic.
  • Mistletoe – Good Luck, Wealth & Fertility.
  • Oak Bark – Success, Stability & Strength.
  • Orange Slices (Dried) – Happiness, Friendship & Prosperity. Clarity & Focus.
  • Rose – Love (Romantic or Self-Love), Healing & Beauty.
  • Rosemary – Wisdom, Love & Aids Sleep.
  • Sage – Home Blessing, Longevity & Wisdom.
  • Sandalwood -Dispels Negative Energy, Wishes & Peace.
  • Star Anise – Protection, Good Luck & Psychic Abilities.
  • Thyme – Healing, Good Sleep & Bravery.
  • Valerian – Improving Relationships, Protection & Peace. Return to Sender Magic.
  • Yarrow – Cleansing, Love & Healing.

I plan on adding more to my collection as time goes by.

The Lancashire Witch also do some incense mixes that smell incredible, you can see them here.

Blog soon,


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Walking in this…

By Happiness & Joy, Nature, PaganismNo Comments

A walk in a natural place recharges me mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Here are a couple of photos that were taken on a walk in Rivington earlier this week:


Beautiful. People would find it difficult to believe that this photo was taken in September, in the UK.


An unusual looking tree that caught my eye.

Blog soon,


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Photos from Sheffield Botanical Gardens Yesterday

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, Life, NatureNo Comments

Yesterday Simon and I went to the brilliantly beautiful and glorious Sheffield Botanical Gardens. The gardens have species of plants, flowers and trees from around the world. The weather was warm and dry and we even had considerable spells of sunshine.

Here are some photos from Sheffield Botanical Gardens:


Sheffield Botanical Gardens Sign


Sheffield Botanical Gardens – A place of Beauty.


Most plants had a black and white signs identifying the species, like this one.


A mulberry tree.


One of the many different species of plant.


There were many collections (like the above) that were filled with colour.


A wooden structure. Close by was also a mental ant. Both works of art added to the Gardens, but my favourite has to be this one.


A bright and beautiful yellow flowered plant, in the background are more of the same.


A tree with the most interesting red bark.


An inspiring and detailed statue at the centre of a rose garden.


More plants and flowers, with the indoor botanical gardens in the background.


Several of these flower beds (with plants of various colours) lined the entrance to the indoor botanical gardens.


An entrance to the indoor botanical gardens.


Indoors – Cacti (1).


Indoors – Cacti (2).


Photo of the glass roof, taken indoors.


Indoors – Many plants.


Indoors – One plant had leafs that were so ginormous, that they made my hand look tiny (see photo above).

Essential Info:

  • A beautiful botanical gardens, which include .
  • Highly recommended.
  • Admission Price: FREE.
  • Opening Times: Vary, see Opening Times here.
  • Parking: Limited. The gardens have no carpark and the streets close by are either Permit Holders Only or Pay and Display.
  • Toilets available.
  • Cafe and Toy Shop also on site.
  • Map:

    Map of Sheffield Botanical Gardens.
    Image from & Copyright © Sheffield Botanical Gardens.

Blog soon,



I aim for posts on this blog to be informative, educational and entertaining. If you have found this post useful or enjoyable, please consider making a contribution by Paypal:

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Book Review: The Craft – A Witch’s Book Of Shadows by Dorothy Morrison

By Books & Authors, Paganism, ReviewsNo Comments
the-craft-dorothy-morrison-book-cover The Craft – A Witch’s Book Of Shadows by Dorothy Morrison is a brilliant book about The Craft.

I’ve been pagan for a long time, but it’s always good to go back over the basics. This book covers: working with power sources, magical boosters, tools (including Wand, Cup, Athame, Pentacle & other tools), casting a circle and pagan festivals.

Morrison has a warm, engaging and humorous writing style. Reading The Craft is like having an intimate and meaningful conversation with Morrison herself. She writes in a way that informs, ultimately inspires and without a single word wasted.

The Craft is bursting with little gems of knowledge and wisdom such as:

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The Craft – A Witch’s Book Of Shadows by Dorothy Morrison:

1. “When all elements are used in equal combination, they form static electricity.” (p. 20)
2. “successful magic relies heavily upon emotion rather than logic.” (p. 33)
3. “Magic usually works in twenty-one days, or not at all.” (p. 29)
4. “Part of basic witchery is learning to work with what you have and substitute if need be.” (p. 41)
5. “Not only must we engage our brains when performing magic, we must use them effectively. We have to be able to think, concentrate and focus. We must reply on the creative flow.” (p. 97-98)
6. “When we take our place in the center of the Circle and take our place as Akasha, we provide a perfectly balanced arena from which magic flows…” (p. 112)

I learned some new things and gained an even deeper understanding of somethings by reading The Craft. No matter who you are or what experiences in The Craft you have, undertake all activities and exercises in the book. I undertook all activities and exercises and they all benefited me. Each of the activities are designed to encourage personal growth and learning.

The only thing The Craft missed out is any reference or explanation of what a Book of Shadows is.

The Craft – A Witch’s Book Of Shadows by Dorothy Morrison is a must have for any Witch. It is an excellent reference book for moon phases, sun phases, days of the week, times of day, pagan festivals, plants, herbs, trees, magical tools, dream symbols, stones, deities and the Book of Law.

The Craft – A Witch’s Book Of Shadows by Dorothy Morrison has made it on to my top shelf where my all-time favourite books are kept. It is one that I will read again and reference regularly.

Review soon,


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