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The Cabinet

SHAME on the Media Elite – Theresa May’s Speech on becoming Prime Minister

By PoliticalNo Comments

This is my reaction to this speech made by Theresa May on becoming the Prime Minister today:

Well I hate to say it, but Theresa May gave a good speech today. There were some interesting changes to the cabinet and more to no doubt be announced.

However I do want to say SHAME TO THE BRITISH PRESS. Not one of them reported the protests going on outside Downing Street during May’s speech. Complete TV, radio, print and online silence. This is how democracy dies, when those in power whether that be politicians or the media elite ignore and/or silence the views of the people.

The only video I could find about the protests today was this one, ironically from the US:

I’m sharing it because I think it should be shared. I think it SHOULD have been reported on by the media. Everyone has a right to have their voice heard. If the media elite wont hear them, I will do my best to share their voices on social media/on this blog.

Remember that nobody voted for Theresa May to be Prime Minister. If this had happened in a country in the east of the world, our media would be sensationalising it, perhaps even calling her a Dictator. Although May is saying things that sound good, we really have no idea what she intends to do.

It’s a sad day. Write soon,


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Don’t shop at Dwell

By Rants, ShoppingNo Comments

Simon and I had time this weekend to nip to Dwell to buy The Cabinet.

We got in to the store, none in stock. So I said to the sales assisant that I would have to buy online. I ordered online and while in the hair dressers got a text saying I needed to call them about my order. I called and my card had been rejected because it has a different address than the delivery address.

My options where:
1. Send my bank statement with new address on to the company
2. Go and pay in store

They said for fraud reasons they couldn’t deliver to an address that wasn’t registered with the card unless I did it in person. It seems mad to me! When do people tend to buy new furniture? When they move house. I haven’t had chance to change my address yet, but it is my mums address so I still get my statements.

So I ended up going all the way back to the store (40 mins drive). I asked to speak to the manager. It seems he spoke to me about the cabinet in the morning (the person I thought was the sales assistant). Why didn’t he offer me the option to order in store, in the morning? I bloodly would have taken it. It would have been less hastle – than going home to order online. He gives me a half hearted apology that’s boarderline rude. He suggests that it’s my fault at once for coming in to store to try and avoid delivery charges (which where £40!).

This is how they could of handled it better:
1. The manager should have offered me the option to order in store in the morning (so I didn’t end up coming back!)
2. Online it should have stated in the ordering process that the delivery address had to match the card address
3. The manager should have offered some sort of discount to compensate the fact that I had to drive back to the store in the afternoon (which would have been unnecessary if he had followed point 1).

I am a loyal customer to a company that provides good customer service. But I am sorry Dwell, you have messed up. I shall not be coming back to your store. And I shall be writing a letter to this effect. So if you take my advice, don’t shop at dwell.

Rant Completed,


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This Weekend & The Cabinet

By Friends & Family, Home, LifeNo Comments

As you are probably aware from my previous post (see David & The Housewarming), I have canceled my housewarming. This ment I needed to make plans for the weekend. So Simon have decided to go to Manchester Minerals.

A few months ago I went with David and I saw this beautiful quartz cluster that was £200. Rather sensibly David suggested that I didn’t really need it and that there were more important things I needed for the apartment (see The Move). He was right. But Simon and I are going back to see if it’s still there, if It is I was meant to be.

Talking about things I want, do you remember The Cabinet? Well it’s been reduced, but it’s still expensive. I can visualise it in my living room. I guess I’ll have to see how much I get paid and really think about if it’s worth the price. I could even hold on to see if they reduce it more but there’s always a risk that they’ll sell out. What do you think I should do?

Blog soon,

Antony x

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The Cabinet

By Home, ShoppingNo Comments

Have you ever had an image of a piece of furniture or other item in your mind before you’ve even seen it?

This was the case with a beautiful cabinet, I had never seen it. But I could describe it, frosted-glass silding doors with metal feet an inside wooden shelf sideboard. It needed to be the right height to fit under my in my living room window. And the reason for the sliding doors is so that I don’t have to move my couch up making the living room look squashed (see The Move).

I randomly typed in to google: frosted glass sideboard.

And I found it! See The problem? The price. Well over-priced. I have searched high and low to find this cheaper but I’m struggling.

So if you see my beautiful, cabinet some where, please let me know.

It is weird how I had the cabinet in my head clearly with out ever seeing it.

Write soon,


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