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The Cost of Living Crisis

By Money / Finances, Political, ThinkingNo Comments
Image Copyright © Sye Watts/Antony Simpson, 2014.

I’m not generally a fan of the word crisis. It is used far too frequently in the sensationist media. But the cost of living in the UK is definitely heading towards a crisis point.

The costs of the basics, food, water, shelter, electricity and clothing is rising at an alarming rate and much higher than people’s wages. Add to this a rise in Taxes (National Insurance). Some of the poorest in our society are simply put not going to make ends meet.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Our openly corrupt Government could make some different choices, ones that would help all. For example, they could:

  • Scrap the planned rise in National Insurance Tax (due in April 2022).
  • Reduce or Scrap the taxes raised on Food and Fuel. This action alone would benefit everyone and significantly reduce people’s outgoings.

But the rich, those who are most resilience to increases in the cost of living, decide our fiscal policies. They have no idea what it is like to be poor or to struggle.

I can only hope that the economy starts to nose dive and that they make some real decisions then to deal with the cost of living crisis.

Write soon,


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Why I Think The Conservatives Won the General Election

By Political2 Comments

I’m a Labour Party supporter. So I was obviously disappointed with the General Election result. But I like to understand the why? Why did so many people vote for The Conservative Party, when it feels like Turkeys voting for Christmas? Here are some of the reasons I think The Conservatives won the General Election:

  • A lack of political education in schools. Especially political history.
  • Brexit – The Conservatives reached hard core Brexiteers by clearly promising the leave the EU. It doesn’t seem to matter that it’s a promise they won’t be able to keep. Labour weren’t initially clear on their plans for Brexit.
  • The all-powerful right wing media. If you read, hear or see something enough you’ll begin to believe it. The was a horrendous campaign of lies and misinformation about Jeremy Corbyn and The Labour Party. Every outlet, including the BBC failed to give a balanced view or hold the Conservatives to account.
  • Traditional Labour voters opted for other parties such as the National Scottish Party, The Green Party and Independents. Therefore diluting Labour’s vote share.
  • Businesses thought only of profit, putting their confidence in the Conservatives. This is likely because of the business-friendly policies of The Conservatives such as lowering corporation tax. Whereas Labour wanted to increase the tax rate for top earners to pay for some of their investment plans. This is capitalism at its worst and is driven by greed.
  • Acceptance of reality as it is and that it can’t be changed. No matter how miserable reality is. This is driven by a fear of change.
  • Older people tend to vote and tend to vote Conservative.
  • The bad weather on the day; the cold, wet and darkness probably put some people off going out to vote. It’s sad but it’s true.

What are your thoughts on why The Conservatives won the election? What do you worry about now? Leave a comment below to let me know.

Write soon,


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The Benefits of a 4 Day Work Week for the Employee & Employer

By Political, ThinkingNo Comments
office-icon-by-antony-simpson A lot of employers are looking at the benefits of a 4 day work week for their employees. In the UK its even attracted the attention of The Labour Party, becoming part of their manifesto. The idea is that the employee works the same amount of hours, but over 4 days instead of 5 days.

I like this idea. It seems to be a win-win. The employee gains, but so do employers. Here are the benefits of a 4 day work week for the employee:

  • Increased happiness.
  • A better work/life balance.
  • More time with family and friends.
  • More time to take up hobbies, interests or even volunteering.
  • Better physical health – lower levels of stress, more and better quality sleep, improvement in concentration, memory and problem solving. Possible increased physical fitness due to more time for a better diet and exercise.
  • Increased creativity.
  • Reduced risk of ‘burn out.’
  • A feeling of working to live, rather than living to work.
  • Save money due to less travel and lunch expenses.
  • Less time stuck in traffic on the commute to and from work. As employees will start earlier and finish later.

For Employers:

  • Increased productivity. Employees spend less time on non-work activities and really put their heads down to make the most of the hours they are in work.
  • Lower rates of sickness and a lessened length of sickness absence.
  • Employees that are more engaged.
  • Smarter ways of working developed.
  • Better outcomes from work undertaken.
  • More resilient individuals and teams that find it easier to deal with and adapt to change.
  • Employees give better customer service.
  • Improved communication and collaborative working.
  • Automation of some manual processes leading to increased efficiency.
  • Reduced estate costs – electricity only being used 4 days a week rather than 5 days.
  • More loyalty from staff – They’ll think twice about moving on if it means they’ll have to go back to a five day work week.

What do you think about a four day work week? Leave a comment below.

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