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Another Windows Update

By Technology4 Comments

A screen I see far too often these days!

I’m frustrated.

It seems that everyday when I shut down my laptop I see the screen above. “Installing an Update” it says, more like “Installing Another Update.” I’m a windows user by default, it’s what I’ve been brought up with. But I’m getting fed up of Windows installing updates with nothing changing or improving for me as a user. All that seems to happen is that my laptop gets slower and slower. If I was cynical, I could be thinking that Windows deliberately release updates that slow down computers, forcing users to upgrade.

What I’ve discovered with my iphone is that Apple only update their software occasionally. When Apple do update you see the changes and understand why they’ve made them. An added bonus with Apple is that the new updates don’t slow down the performance of the machine. In fact if Apple were clever and reduced their prices (Apple laptops, PC’s, etc. are very VERY expensive), I’d be a full fledged Apple user. In fact I think a large number of people would as well.

Just sharing my frustrations,


(Image Copyright of justlooking @ Flickr.)

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Glad to hear he is well

By Amazon, Friends & Family, Gigs & Shows, Life, Love & Relationships, ThinkingNo Comments

I was killing some time before the panto (went to see Alladin with my mum & gran this weeknd), window shopping shoes and listening to the new Girls Aloud Album on my iPod. When all of a sudden out of no where someone appeared in my face and said Hi.

It was an ex-partner. I was glad to hear hear he was well. I am pleased it was not awkard, we were able to catch up and then go our own seperate ways.

Panto was good fun and made better by the fact David came round afterwards.

Write about random events soon,


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By Amazon, Life, TechnologyNo Comments

Let’s get technical and up-to-date people!

My old phone is messed up. Since dropping it in the bath it is not well. It clears off menu’s and texts and I can’t hear people the first time I call them. (Have to call them back!)

So lets look at the phones on the market and see what we think, eh?

Iphone by Apple
The apple iPhone is hot stuff! Unlimited real internet, loads of Apps, beautiful software, easy to use, touch screen, the works! It does lack the bluetooth feature (which is supprising as apple developed bluetooth), the ring and text alert cant be changed and the cameras not great quality.

G1 by Google
The G1 phone has a touch screen and real internet, but is more difficult to use and the Apps look less pretty. I don’t think I want this one. It looks cheap, despite it’s cost.

N96 by Nokia
The N96 has a massive 16GB memory, sliding, brilliant camera. Most people can use nokia phones with ease (apart from me, who just can’t understand them!).

What do you think? You can comment on this blog by clicking the link, and then using the comment form.

For me, it will probably be the iPhone. I am aware of some of it’s limitations, but surely apps will be developed to combat these limitations?

Blog soon,


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