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By Thinking2 Comments

Recently I read a very honest post on Mike’s blog titled Glass half… It got me thinking about how difficult it can be to be completely honest my with myself. I’m sure you’ve all had the same difficulty at times.

Then this weekend my good friend Sye came round to visit. Sye and I have a rather unique relationship – we can tell each other anything (and I mean anything). We had a long chat about different things going on in our lives going in to the early hours of the morning. I won’t go into the detail of the conversation as it’s private and unimportant, but what is important is what I’ve realised: I’m not always being completely honest with myself. I do a fantastic job of avoiding the issues that I have and distracting myself with other things.

This avoidance of these issues has led to them seeping in to my everyday life with out me even realising. Look at my blog for example, when’s the last time I wrote a personal post? In the last few months it’s been review after review, books, TV anything to avoid writing from the heart. Well that’s going to be the first change. I’m still going to write reviews (as I quite enjoy it), but the most recent personal post will be a sticky. This means the most recent personal post will appear as the first blog post on the home page. If you like reading the reviews remember to check further down the page for the most recent review. Oh and I know I’m a few Torchwood episodes behind, but I do intend to catch up.

So first completely honest point – I am struggling to decide what are my own feelings and those of others. In paganism and indeed most spiritualities there is a belief that everyone and everything are interconnected. The theory goes that we are all connected and that if enough people feel negative it spreads making more people feel negative. Have you ever been to see a friend feeling really happy but they are down in the dumps and you leave them feeling down yourself? It’s kind of like that but on a much larger scale. We are constantly being bombarded with negativity, more so than ever before, just think: bankers, corrupt politicians, the economic climate (and all that it brings – lack of job security, etc.), the list could go on.

So that’s my first challenge to decide how I feel about everything in my life. To sort through things in my head and listen to what my heart says. From there I can decide what and how I am going to change the things in my life that need changing.

Write soon,


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Aura Photography 2

By Paganism2 Comments

Just over a month ago I had my aura photographed (see Aura Photography). I had a big gaping whole in my aura and it was mostly red following a difficult time and traumatic experience. Since I’ve been doing some mediation to repair and rejuvenate my aura and as a result have been feeling better. So this weekend I’ve had another aura photograph done:

As you can see the red is starting to leave being replaced by orange and yellow. The is a distinct green around my heart. My aura no longer has the gaping whole, it seems the meditations have worked.

I don’t know if you can tell on the photo, but on the right side there are three orbs. I am reliably informed that these are spirits or guides. It’s nice to see them with me and looking out for me.

So what’s the meaning of the red, orange, yellow and green colours in my aura? Well you can see the meaning of red in my Aura Photography post and as for the other colours:

Meaning of the Colours
Orange – Brave, Strong, Confident, Positive, Adventurous, Creative, Outgoing, Arrogant, Vanity, Tension, Control, Emotional, Stubbornness.

Yellow – Clarity, Incisiveness, Leadership, Knowledge, Honest, Happy, Individualism, Logical, Cynical, Analytical, Critical, Egotism, Negative Thinking, Stress.

Green – Practical, Helpful, Dependable, Generous, “Moving on” through awareness, Healer, Suspicion, Bitterness, Feeling unsettled without secureness and stability, Conflict of ideas and emotions.

As usual I’ve bolded the words that I think apply to me right now. Think I’ll have my aura photographed every month or two, just to keep an eye on the health of my energy.

Write soon,



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Aura Photography

By PaganismNo Comments

I had always been skeptical of aura photography, after hearing very mixed things about it’s authenticity. However on my recent visit to my local crystal shop, the owner stated he had bought a polaroid aura photography camera and encouraged me to try it. So I did and here was the result:

Meaning of the Colours
Red – Ambition, Motivation, Vitality, Challenge, Strong Emotion, Will Power, Obsession, Intensity, Rage, Obstinate, Depletion, Uprooted.

Purple – Altruistic, Sacrafice, Sensitivity, Visionary, Artistic, Nobility, Working with the sense, Spiritual Haughtiness, Self Obsessed, Under grounded, Victim, Martyr, Thought without action.

I’ve bolded the words that apply to how I was feeling at the time, after a rather traumatising experience. To me proof that it was a genuine aura photo. Plus I also noted a big gaping hole in the top right side of my aura. Needless to say after the photo, I undertook some healing.

Blog soon,



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Psychic Party & Home Warming

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, Life, Paganism4 Comments

This weekend some close friends were invited round of a Psychic Party and House Warming. A friend Kay and I prepared the living room/kitchen, see photos below:

(Altar prepared with things for the games.)

(The kitchen.)

(The living room 1.)

(The living room 2.)

(The living room 3.)

A good time was had by all (see photos below). They had the grande tour on their arrival followed by drinks. We then did some Numerology, aura sensing and energy transfer. These activities were followed by food (pizza and nibbles) and then we did some more games: pendulums, tarrot cards and What’s my future game.

Kay and I gave them a gift of a small silver bag with crystals that had been charged with positive energy before they left, which was at twenty-past one.

Kay and I stayed up chatting for an hour after they’d gone and then shattered went to bed. The party was such a success that I intend to hold a psychic party annually.

Write soon,


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