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Why a Petition to Stop Donald Trump from Making a State Visit Makes Me Feel Sad

By Political, Thinking2 Comments

Donald Trump

This blog post really isn’t about Donald Trump. I just wanted to make that clear in the opening line.

A petition to stop Donald Trump (the new President of the USA) from making a State Visit to the UK has been signed by 1.8+ million British citizens. This makes me feel really sad. Why? I’ll explain below.

First let me say that it’s great when people come together, stand together and become politically active.

But the reason for my sadness is that although 1.8+ million British citizens have come together on this issue, we don’t seem to be able to come together on other important issues.

Such as:

  • The increasing inequality in our society.
  • The funding and resourcing crisis in our NHS and Social Care Services.
  • The rising levels of homelessness.
  • The shocking year on year increase in people getting mentally ill.
  • The growing use of food banks.
  • Decreasing opportunities for young people.
  • Plans to scrap The Human Rights Act (1998).
  • The reduction of worker’s rights and protections.

We need to come together, stand together and become politically active in the same sort of numbers that have signed the petition, if not more, to fight for the changes that we would like to see in our society.

Blog soon,



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SHAME on the Media Elite – Theresa May’s Speech on becoming Prime Minister

By PoliticalNo Comments

This is my reaction to this speech made by Theresa May on becoming the Prime Minister today:

Well I hate to say it, but Theresa May gave a good speech today. There were some interesting changes to the cabinet and more to no doubt be announced.

However I do want to say SHAME TO THE BRITISH PRESS. Not one of them reported the protests going on outside Downing Street during May’s speech. Complete TV, radio, print and online silence. This is how democracy dies, when those in power whether that be politicians or the media elite ignore and/or silence the views of the people.

The only video I could find about the protests today was this one, ironically from the US:

Click here to display content from

I’m sharing it because I think it should be shared. I think it SHOULD have been reported on by the media. Everyone has a right to have their voice heard. If the media elite wont hear them, I will do my best to share their voices on social media/on this blog.

Remember that nobody voted for Theresa May to be Prime Minister. If this had happened in a country in the east of the world, our media would be sensationalising it, perhaps even calling her a Dictator. Although May is saying things that sound good, we really have no idea what she intends to do.

It’s a sad day. Write soon,


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My India Adventure (Part 5) – Gandhi’s Grave & India Gate

By Adventures, Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, History, Inspiration, Political, TravelNo Comments

Gandhi’s Grave


Gandhi Quote.

Robert, Neha, Michael and I didn’t intend to visit Gandhi’s grave, but on the day we went to visit the Red Fort it was closed, so we went to Gandhi’s grave which is close by.

Gandhi’s grave was probably my favourite and most significant place of all the sites I visited in India, because of the man it commemorates. Gandhi is seen as the Father of the Indian nation. He is on bank notes and deservedly put on a pedestal. I didn’t know much about Gandhi before I went to India. But when I came home and did some research, it resulted in the visit to his grave meaning even more to me.

Gandhi was an inspirational man. As an adult he was civil rights activist that believed in non-violent protest, non-violent civil disobedience, peace, community and was a leader in the Indian Independence Movement. He was known for being spiritual and religiously Hindu.

Gandhi to me was a enlightened soul, with his common sense ideas being ahead of his time.

One of the things I admire about Gandhi was that as a teenager he experimented with drinking alcohol, eating meat and sex (From: BBC – iWonder, last accessed: Saturday 8th August 2015). This showed to me that Gandhi was on a journey to enlightenment when he was younger. That Gandhi had fundamentally started out as a ordinary human being that went on to become enlightened, using his wisdom and good soul to influence and create some incredible changes in the world. These changes making the world a better place for everyone.

Gandhi apparently predicted his own death, mentioning that he thought he would be assassinated and hoped to be able to forgive the man that did it. Gandhi was on his way to a prayer meeting when he was shot three times in the chest by an extremist. Gandhi who had believed in peace, hope and the best of humanity had been violently murdered. India and the rest of the world mourned his loss.

Apparently some of Gandhi’s ashes are buried in this memorial. Here are some photos of Gandhi’s grave:


Walk up to Gandhi’s Grave.


Gandhi’s Grave: Where his ashes are.


Gandhi’s Grave gardens (1).


Gandhi’s Grave gardens (2).


Gandhi’s grave – beautiful tiled flooring.

One of the most interesting information stones there was Gandhi’s Seven Social Sins (photographed below). Here they are as photo and text:


Gandhi’s Seven Social Sins, from ‘Young India’ (1925)

Seven Social Sins
1. Politics Without Principles
2. Wealth Without Work
3. Pleasure Without Conscience
4. Knowledge Without Character
5. Commerce Without Morality
6. Science Without Humanity
7. Worship Without Sacrifice

(From: ‘Young India’ (1925))

Reading this was like seeing a reflection of what’s going on in the world right now. I remember thinking that if Gandhi was around now he’d constantly be leading peaceful protests and marching in them.

India Gate
India Gate is a war memorial to all fallen Indian soldiers. The Gate is ginormous. In the middle of the gate is the monument. It’s a raised platform that has a statue of a black gun with matching soldiers helmet resting on top of it. There’s a flame that is always kept burning and soldiers in ceremonial dress. See photos below:


The Empty Canopy


India Gate: A War Memorial (1).


India Gate: A War Memorial (2).


Me pointing out a feature on India Gate.


India Gate close up (1).


India Gate close up (2).

The next blog post in this series titled My India Adventure (Part 6) – The Taj Mahal, I will be sharing photos of Taj Mahal’s architectural brilliance. The post will be coming soon, so keep an checking back for updates.

Write soon,


I aim for posts on this blog to be informative, educational and entertaining. If you have found this post useful or enjoyable, please consider making a contribution by Paypal:

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Be part of the Democratic Revolution with The People’s Assembly

By Political, ThinkingNo Comments
the-peoples-assembly-logo The People’s Assembly is against austerity, which is ideological rather than essential. It’s against Britain being run for the minority of the wealthy elite and instead advocates running society for the majority.

I learned about The People’s Assembly through reading The Establishment by Owen Jones, see my review of the book here.

The People’s Assembly has The People’s Charter (below), which gives more detail on what they stand for:


They are not associated to any political party and instead are more like a campaign group or national forum. I encourage you all to support The People’s Assembly and be part of the democratic revolution.

Want to get involved? Here’s how:

I’ve donated and am hoping that The People’s Assembly will do what it sets out to achieve – a fairer society for all.

Write soon,


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