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Mental Health Wisdom

My Next Book

By Creativity, InspirationNo Comments

Hello Readers,

I am pleased to be able to share some details of my next book with you.

Firstly it won’t be a follow up book to Mental Health Wisdom. Mental Health Wisdom was very successful and was very comprehensive. It was years in the making. I’m super proud of the book and I did briefly toy with the idea of doing another mental health book.

But then I thought – What would I put in it that isn’t already in Mental Health Wisdom? I didn’t have an answer, so opted not to write another book on mental health at this time.

So what is the book? It’s a practical pagan book. It is being co-authored by one of my good friends and I.

We are hoping for an independent release via the Amazon platform some time in 2021.

We are about one third through the first draft.

That’s about all I can share right now.

Write soon,


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World Mental Health Day 2020: The Benefits of Investing in Mental Health

By HealthNo Comments

Today is World Mental Health Day. This year’s theme is investment in mental health, so with this in mind, here are some benefits of investing in mental health :

  • A healthier populous. 1 in 4 people experience mental illness at any one time . That’s a quarter of the population. Just imagine if we could reduce this statistic.
  • It would reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and mental illness.
  • A better quality of life for people with mental illnesses and their families/friends.
  • Improved mood, self-awareness, coping strategies, self-esteem and relationships, for any individual with a mental illness.
  • Less people presenting in crisis due to earlier intervention.
  • A reduced suicide rate. Suicide is the biggest killer in men under the age of 45 here in the UK according to CALM.
  • Less working days missed due to mental illness. This would lead to a productivity boost.
  • More research into what interventions and medicines are effective in the treatment of mental illnesses.
  • It is cost effective, according to the World Health Organization (pages 18 & 19 ). Meaning that money invested would be returned back into society through cost savings.
  • Increase equality . Access to Healthcare is a Human Right, see my post The Human Rights Act (1998) Explained. The Human Rights Act (1998) was designed to increase equality.

I’m a strong advocate of increasing investment in mental health education and treatment.

Want to know more about mental health and mental illness? Then check out my book Mental Health Wisdom:


Write soon,


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A General Life Update – June 2020

By Health, Life2 Comments

Hello Dear Readers,

How endless does this lockdown feel? It feels like it has gone on forever. It feels like the rules of lockdown have permeated every aspect of our lives. In some cases the rules feel like they have taken our old lives hostage. No longer can we take anything for granted. Not even the simplest of things like exchanging a hug with a loved one.

With experts are expecting a 2nd wave, it looks like the relaxation of lockdown maybe reversed. Possibly made even stricter.

With all this going on, it’s not surprising that for some, this has had a tole on their mental health. So I would like to remind you that you can purchase my book Mental Health Wisdom from Amazon for just £7.49 paperback (or £1.99 Kindle) here. It’s full of strategies to help people to deal with adversity and improve their mental health.


Now let’s talk about me. It been a bit of a difficult time. First there was an international shortage of Depakote, one of the medications I take. So I had to switch to Epilim, basically the same thing but a different brand. However nobody at the Pharmacy or GP knew there was a shortage of Depakote, so it took nearly two weeks without any Depakote to get the Epilim prescribed and started. This led to manic and mixed moods.

But before this and underlying I had been struggling with depressive symptoms, that even the maximum dose of Venlafaxine wasn’t helping with. So my Consultant Psychiatrist has taken me off Quetiapine and started me on Mirtazapine.

I’ve never had this mix of medications before, so it is uncharted territory. We just have to keep trying until we get the right balance in my brain. Even though I know this, it is sometimes frustrating.

In other news my iMac (photo below) has died and gone to Apple heaven.

February Photo Challenge 10th
My iMac finally died.

It had been really slow for a while and since getting a laptop I haven’t used it that much; but it is still disappointing.

This week I’m off on annual leave. I’ve taken a few days to rest and recharge. Next I’ve got a few days seeing family and friends – social distancing. Then at the end of the week Steve and I are going to South Lakes Safari Zoo.

I’ll be sure to do a blog post about my visit to the Zoo. Blog soon,


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The Winners are…

By Books & AuthorsNo Comments

Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of the release of my book Mental Health Wisdom. To celebrate I’ve hosted a giveaway. The original plan was to giveaway x2 signed paperback copies and x1 eBook (PDF) copy to three lucky people.

Part of my hopes for 2020 are that the world has more kindness in it. It starts with me. I received 9 entries and have decided to give them all a signed paperback and eBook (PDF) each. So the winners are:

  • Jude Cookson
  • Dawn
  • Kat
  • Joanne Rimmer
  • Jennifer
  • Marie Rate
  • Debby Lockheart
  • Lisa Davies
  • Cherie

…everyone that entered.

Congratulations to you all. You should have received an email asking for your postal address and with the eBook (PDF) copy attached.

Blog soon,


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