Today is World Mental Health Day. This year’s theme is investment in mental health, so with this in mind, here are some benefits of investing in mental health :
- A healthier populous. 1 in 4 people experience mental illness at any one time . That’s a quarter of the population. Just imagine if we could reduce this statistic.
- It would reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and mental illness.
- A better quality of life for people with mental illnesses and their families/friends.
- Improved mood, self-awareness, coping strategies, self-esteem and relationships, for any individual with a mental illness.
- Less people presenting in crisis due to earlier intervention.
- A reduced suicide rate. Suicide is the biggest killer in men under the age of 45 here in the UK according to CALM.
- Less working days missed due to mental illness. This would lead to a productivity boost.
- More research into what interventions and medicines are effective in the treatment of mental illnesses.
- It is cost effective, according to the World Health Organization (pages 18 & 19 ). Meaning that money invested would be returned back into society through cost savings.
- Increase equality . Access to Healthcare is a Human Right, see my post The Human Rights Act (1998) Explained. The Human Rights Act (1998) was designed to increase equality.
I’m a strong advocate of increasing investment in mental health education and treatment.
Want to know more about mental health and mental illness? Then check out my book Mental Health Wisdom:
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