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My Royal Navy Friend: Week 12 – How to Fight a Shark “This chapter is Hilarious!”

By Amazon, Books & Authors, Creativity, Happiness & JoyNo Comments

From my recent book: My Royal Navy Friend, another friend insisted this was hilarious and that I share it with you. So here goes:

Hey Roy,

Picture the scene, you’re on a ship but forced to jump into the cold ocean waters as it’s sinking. It isn’t long before you attract some unwanted attention. Sharks. They begin circling you and you know it won’t be long before you have to fight for your life.

Here’s my survival guide to this scenario:

  1. Identify the type of sharks circling you. I’m sad to say that most sharks are carnivorous and would seek to gobble you up. However bonnethead sharks are vegetarian for 62% of the time, eating seagrass.
  2. Don’t play dead. Sharks are smart and will know you are faking it. They’re also not opposed to eating dead humans.
  3. Remain calm, keep eyes on them at all times and make sudden sporadic movements in an attempt to scare the sharks.
  4. Look around for any weapons or things that could be used as weapons. Use whatever you find in your battle with the sharks.
  5. If it’s hand to fin battle, focus your attention on the vulnerable parts of the sharks: their eyes, noses and gills. Avoid the mouth at all costs due to the sharp teeth.
  6. I once heard a story of a man who was attacked by a shark and successfully fended it off by punching it in the nose. I don’t know how true this story is. But desperate times call for desperate measures, so definitely worth a try.
  7. If you see a dolphin or a pod of dolphins call on them for help. They generally like humans and sharks are apparently afraid of them.
  8. Don’t under any circumstances try to swim away. Sharks will see this as a sign of weakness and besides which, they can swim quicker than you. So trying to swim away would be a pointless waste of energy.
  9. If all else fails, try to reason with the sharks. Explain to them the reasons they shouldn’t eat you. You could even tell them jokes or sing them a song in exchange for sparing your life.

That’s it for this week.

Big Hugs,


Royal Navy Fact:
The Royal Navy is responsible for the Continuous At Sea Deterrent (CASD). The CASD is also known as the nuclear deterrent. This is a series of submarines equipped with nuclear Trident II missiles.

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Blackpool Part 1: Sealife Centre

By Happiness & Joy, Love & Relationships, NatureNo Comments

Bob – The Fish

At the weekend Boyfriend-A and I went to Blackpool. We had pre-booked tickets to the Sealife Centre and Madame Tussauds. In this post I’ll write about the Sealife Centre.

The Sealife Centre was alive with all sorts of marine life in its well-stocked tanks. Boyfriend-A and I wondered around leisurely, starting with seeing shark eggs and recently born baby sharks (click any image for full size photo):


Breeding: Shark Eggs


Breeding: Shark Eggs


Breeding: Newly Born Sharks

The many tanks often included rays as well as starfish:


One of the Tanks


Rays-A-Plenty: There were many rays


Camouflage Fish


A starfish


Mr Ray showing off his sharp teeth


Mr Ray 2

We saw ‘The Big Daddy,’ a giant crab that is so big he has an entry in the Guinness World Records Book.


‘The Big Daddy’ – A Giant Crab

We watched delicate small seahorses:


A Seahorse

And these jellyfish under neon colour-changing light:


Neon Jellyfish 1


Neon Jellyfish 2


Neon Jellyfish 3

Many of the fish I tried to photograph moved too quickly for the camera. This included dory (from Finding Nemo) look-a-likes.


Trying to snap Dory, they are too quick.

We saw mean-looking paranha fish. I’m sure they were eyeing me up as a meal:


Mean-looking Piranhas 1


Mean-looking Piranhas 2

Then we moved on to the sharks:


Shark Nursery: Breeding sign


Shark Nursery: A baby shark


Sharks: An adult having a lie down


Sharks: A vegetarian shark


Sharks: Another shark (side on)

We had a great time. Then we head to Madame Tussaunds, which I will write about and share pictures in my next blog post.

Write soon,


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