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A Modern Memory Box

By Happiness & Joy, History, Technology, Thinking2 Comments

A few years ago I wrote about Memories explaining that I keep a shoe box of trinkets (birthday cards, christmas cards, valentines cards, gig ticket stubs, letters, the odd photo, etc.) for every year that passes. These Memory Boxes ended up in the attic because there was so many of them and they were taking up to much space. Up in the attic I forgot about them, until recently when I went up into the attic for something else and I saw them. I realised I don’t look at them as often because of the number of boxes and number of items in the boxes, but then I had an idea…

I bought a scanner and painstakingly scanned every item onto my iMac. Then I set up a screen saver:

In the end I scanned in over nine hundred items, but it was worth the time and energy invested. Now every time my iMac goes into screen saver mode I see the wonderful letters, cards, ticket subs, etc. and my memory is triggered transporting me into the past – usually to a time filled with happiness and joy. My iMac has become my Modern Memory Box, which I hope to add to often.

Write soon,


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By Happiness & Joy, Life, ThinkingNo Comments

Christmas / Yule is a time of contemplation for me. I think back to the wonderful people past and present, the experiences I’ve been fortunate to have and the trinkets I have collected on the way.

I keep trinkets (ticket stubs, photos, gifts, cards, etc.) in a shoe box and them label them by year. I am still collecting for 2008. But here is a photo of Memory Box 2007:

Christmas or in my case Yule, gives me an opportunity to look through them and remember the wonderful memories.

So with this in mind, I would like to thanks my family, friends, past boyfriends, David and everyone else for the memories you have all given me.

With Love,


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