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Dissertation Module Results

By Education5 Comments

I recently recieved my Dissertation Module results. I got: 60%, which isn’t bad considering all that’s been going on my life recently (see My Darling Baby Brother & Grief).

I also asked about how they determine my overall level of degree. Out of the 6 modules they take the 5 with the highest marks and divide by 5. This means I am likely to get a 2:1. Makes me wish I’d worked hard in my first two modules, rather than just being happy to do the minimum required to pass. Never mind, a 2:1 isn’t a bad and leaves room to improve.

Take care,


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A general update

By Education, Friends & Family, Life, Love & Relationships2 Comments

I’ve noticed that my blogging recently hasn’t really been about me. It’s been about books, my beautiful iphone and generally anything that I like. So grab a brew and we’ll have a catch up.

First, Uni. I’m doing two elearning modules, one on Leadership and the other my Dissertation module. It’s going well, although I need to do some more research for the assignments. I am enjoying the learning, but will be thankful in March when I’ve completed my final module.

Family life has been most interesting with lots of ups and downs. Mum met a long lost brother on the train recently, it turned out I have two lof them. I’ve met one of the brothers and his fiancée, which I wont deny was a bit weird. But we got on really well, they are wonderful people and guess what? I’m an uncle to four! I’ve always secretly wanted to be an uncle so I’m stoked.

In my love life, I was dating a guy for a while, but it didn’t work out. Too needy and not good communication. Now I’m dating another guy and so far, it’s going well. He makes me happy. Cheesy grin smile :D.

Well that’s about all that’s new in my life, take care,

Antony x

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