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My Thirtieth Birthday

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, Life, Thinking3 Comments

Yesterday I Became:

Thirty years old. It was a busy day with many highlights. My close family and I went out for a meal in my favourite restaurant Gallimore’s. I was so pleased that almost everyone could and did come. Here are photos of my cake and balloons:


My 30th Birthday Cake: Minion Bob.


My 30th Birthday Balloons.

Gallimore’s Fine Restaurant served sublime and tasty food and the service was excellent. My thanks to Gallimore’s for making my birthday even more special.

I was completely overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity from my family and friends on my birthday. I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the Facebook messages, the cards, the balloons, the gifts and the money from family and friends.

At the end of the month, some good friends and I are going to Chester Zoo to see the new Islands Exhibit.

Big birthdays always cause me to reflect on my life so far. I think about what I’ve done and not done. What I’ve experienced and haven’t experienced. I play what if scenarios out in my head for both the past and the future.

We are all a work in progress. We are constantly growing as we experience life and learn. I am proud of what I’ve achieved in life so far. I could list my achievements like overcoming adversity, becoming and being a good Nurse, being creative and my ongoing recovery from a mental health illness.

But the thing I’m most proud of is to have a wonderful loving family and a bunch great friends whom I would trust with my life.

Write soon,


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Sye’s Summer Stay

By Friends & Family, Home2 Comments

My good friend Sye was back from Uni for the Summer and needed a place to crash; I happened to have a spare room so he came to stay. His creativity and motivation seemed to rub off onto me as I got on top of the housework and even started putting together my ‘Loved Ones’ Wall.

The ‘Loved Ones’ Wall is in my hallway and the concept is to buy one photo frame a month, fill it with a photo of good times with someone who I love be it family or friends. When complete it should be a wall of mismatched photo frames that come together show the people I love, their personality and diversity reflected in the different photo frames. It’s an idea I’ve had and been saying I’ll get round to starting for two years. Sye helped me decide the positioning of the first few photo frames, did the manly, butch job of hammering the nails and slamming the doors to makes sure that they were secure enough on the Wall. Here is the work in progress:

(Click on image for full size photo.)

Now before I get loads of comments saying: “Hey, I’m not on the Wall…” Please bare in mind that I’ve only just started this and that I’ll be added too it every month.

Sye’s been a great support while I’ve had problems with my waterworks. No, I didn’t mean those waterworks…I mean’t that my bath had been leaking. The cost of the plumber to fix the water leak has been covered by me, but luckily the cost of replacing two damaged floors and a wall is covered by my buildings insurance.

Without a doubt the best thing about having Sye to stay has been being able to share experiences of day-to-day life. Talking about our successes and celebrating them with cake, discussing anything that wasn’t a success and learning from the experience. I miss being able to come home and exchange stories about the day. The cats listen but to be honest don’t seem that interested – sometimes they even yawn before falling asleep.

So I’d like to thank Sye for his stay over the Summer, he’s probably helped me out as much – if not more than I was helping him out.

Take Care,


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The Unvailing of the BIG PURPLE THING!

By Friends & FamilyNo Comments

….and bring a hat and some cake!

On Sunday I was invited to Chrys’ house for the The Unvailing of the BIG PURPLE THING. This is her lovely outdoor sheltered area that has been painted purple and had two pieces of Lammas themed painted glass. It looked great and was an opportunity to catch up with my good friend Simon.

Hats were encouraged, I think the theme was summer hats for a summer party. I wore a fish hat (a bennie hat longer than necessary at the back). Don’t ask why it’s called a fish hat. Kindof a private joke. It wasn’t exactually a summer hat but it was the only hat I had. I borrowed it off Steve (another good friend) – if your reading Steve I promise to return it soon.

I met a man with the most wonderful energy. I managed to establish he was gay to which I started flirting. He made some comment about me being a child. I replied “Child?” He spelt it out (C – H – I – L – D). I responded by saying “Oh Kid. K – I – D.” Gawd, I am not always cool and collected as I would like to be. I guess I didn’t expect him to be ageist. And he really isn’t that older than me. I did pick up psychically in his aura that he has been hurt in the past. So I decided not to engage with him, feeling that I had overstepped the mark.

He must have realised that he had offended me (although I think I did a good job of hiding this to be polight at a party). Because he later came up to me and started chatting being more social.

It was overall a good party with lots of good pagan conversation with Janet (Simon’s Sister). I love her, really friendly and lovely. Unfortunately as I was unwell I didn’t stay for as long as I would of liked. But really enjoyed it why I was there and went home to bed.

In love and light,

Antony x

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