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By Happiness & Joy, Health, LifeNo Comments

I recently blogged (see I’m so vain) about wanting to have my teeth whitened. It is something I have been self concious of for years. My teeth have really strong roots (when I had to have some removed for my brace the dentist was well impressed) and I’ve never had a filling. However they are cosmetically discoloured. So I went to a Style Smile Clinic. Here are the results:



They look a lot better. Especially in low light. However they did cost more than advertised as the dentist recommended the stronger treatment. Part of my teeth are one shade and part of my teeth are another apparently which is why they are not completely white. I also have some after care stuff to keep them white for longer and make them lighter.

Blog soon,


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I’m so vain

By Health, LifeNo Comments

This all started when talking to a friend of a friend. “So go on then…how old do you think I am? I asked.
“Twenty eight?” My face visabley dropped. And I decided it was time to get vain.

So here’s what I don’t like about myself and what I intend to do about it:

1. Teeth – They have been discoloured since I was a teenager. Yet they are healthy, not a single filling in my life and good strong roots on them. The discolouration has always bothered me. So I have decided next month to have them lazer whitened at Style Smile. (If they are any good and effective, I’ll let you know!).

2. Hair – It’s getting a bit long and frizzy again, I have to admit. For a gay man sometimes I let my hair get a bit messy. So it’s a new hair style with regular visits to the hair dresser to main tain it. I just don’t know what style to have, ideas anyone?

3. Clothes – I’ve got some nice clothes, but as a gay man, can you ever have enough? Plus my style maybe needs to have a slight make over? I always go for the safe options. I need to take a few risks with my style. Maybe they’ll pay off?

4. Under Eyes – Sometimes I have massive scary looking bags under my eyes. I was considering extreme actions to get rid or reduce them but someone suggested buying some consealer. So I shall buy some consealer and let you know how I get on.

Blog vainly soon,


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