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TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 8

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Episode 8 starts with Jack, Gwen, Rex and Esther being driven to a Mansion to be introduced to Angelo. Jack is expecting Angelo to be like he remembers him. So when Jack enters the room to see a old man in a hospital bed strapped to various machines on a raised platform, Jacks shocked and slightly saddened.

The woman who brought them reveals that Angelo is her grand father. She reveals that Angelo never stopped following Jack and never stopped loving him despite having a family. She explains that Angelo kept himself alive for this long by natural means, giving the example of how he kept his temperature two degrees below normal. She adds that Angelo dedicated his life to trying to achieve immortality.

Jack asks the woman why Angelo never came to find him. The woman explains that Angelo was ashamed that he had aged, knowing that Jack hadn’t. The woman explains that Angelo (her grand father) had asked her to protect him and that Jack isn’t the only immortal on this planet. In nature, she explains Jelly Fish can regenerate cells meaning there are Jelly Fish on the planet that have been around for thousands of years. Finally the woman reveals the names of three families behind Miracle Day. Esther searches the Torchwood database but it reveals no such families – obviously they’re good at hiding themselves.

Then the CIA storm the Mansion after tracing Rex’s phone call to Dr. Vera’s family. Rex’s corrupt boss, working for the families leads the storm. Surely Rex wouldn’t be so stupid as to make a call to lead the CIA to them?

Your right, Rex’s CIA boss takes Rex into a side room where Rex gets him to confess. But Rex is wearing the Torchwood contact lenses and transmitting to every video screen available. A big boss of the CIA turns up and sees it all. The big boss has Rex’s boss arrested and takes control. Meanwhile Angelo dies as Jack speaks to the unconscious old man. But how can he die? No body has died since Miracle Day? Jack doesn’t believe it at first, but a quick check of Angelo’s pulse leads to Jack screaming for help.

Rex’s corrupt CIA boss triggers a bomb that explodes the car he’s put in with Angelo’s grand daughter. The big CIA boss takes control and tells Torchwood that they are working for them. He deports Gwen back to Wales. Then he says that none of the others are leaving the house until they work out how Angelo died. Esther works out that there’s something under the raised platform of the floor. Jack encourages Esther not to tell the big CIA boss, but she does. It’s alien technology from when the Torchwood Insitute was blown up and Angelo had used it to protect himself from Phi Cop’s and the families morphic field which is causing Miracle Day.

While all this is going on Oswald Danes is annoying Jilly Kitzinger and making more and more demands of her. One of his demands: “get me a girl.” You can tell with Jilly’s reaction that she is disgusted with this request. Oswald thinks he has all the cards, he thinks people love him. Jilly gets a new assistant who she instructs to get Oswald a girl.

Jilly has a stiff drink and knows that she wont have to put up with Oswald for much longer as the government are looking to pass a Category Zero law for all those people who have committed major crimes, allowing them to be taken to the incinerators. Oswald finds this out and he hits Jilly after she says “No Oswald, television loves you. Not the people.” Jilly’s assistant then gets shot with the man who shots her revealing that she’s a CIA agent. The man gives Jilly a plane ticket, tells her she’s being promoted and that she’s being offered a job with the families.

Back at the Mansion Jack convinces Esther and Rex to help him to escape. But while attempting to escape Jack get’s shot and Esther drives away with Jack bleeding, unsure where to go or what to do next. I found it odd that they were still introducing and even killing off new characters with only two episodes to go. Introducing the big boss of the CIA and Angelo’s grand daughter for example.

In this episode there was a large emphasis on narrative and giving information to the auidance. I couldn’t help but think that perhaps some of this information could have been given earlier in the series? A criticism of the series for me is that too many characters and introduced and got rid of before we can decide whether we like them or not and that often their motives are far too apparent. There’s conflicting motives in these “quick characters” and it leads to you thinking – Not another new character that I wont be able to remember the name of or what their transparent intentions are.

That brings Episode 8 to an end. You can read previous Episode reviews I’ve wrote here:

  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 1
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 2
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 3
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 4
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 5
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 6
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 7
  • Write soon,


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    TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 7

    By Amazon, Money / Finances, Reviews, TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

    Episode 7 alternates between the 1920’s with Jack and Angelo and present day with Jack and Gwen. The transitions between past and present are seamless. This has been deemed my favourite episode due to the love and sex scenes between Jack and Angelo and because it finally reveals who’s behind Miracle Day. Well done BBC for being brave enough to show sex scenes between two men! However apparently the BBC shortened the sex scenes between Jack and Angelo as even after the watershed British viewers aren’t ready to see these scenes. Yet BBC America showed the full unedited episode as the writer intended, a slight point of criticism there. Hopefully the full episode, as the writer intended will be on the Torchwood: Miracle Day DVD.

    The episode starts in the 1920’s with Angelo claiming Jack’s visa to enter America. Jack catches up with him and Angelo gets detained. Jack chats with him in the cell and decides to take Angelo with him. In New York they get a room together, above a butchers shop. Quickly they become lovers and start a relationship. To Jack two men together is normal whereas to Angelo (a catholic) is racked with guilt. Meanwhile back in the present day, Gwen receives instructions through the Torchwood contact lenses to abduct Jack in the car – and that’s exactly what she does.

    Back in the 1920’s Jack and Angelo are stopped one evening by some local gangsters. The gangsters give Jack and Angelo a task. Break into a secure warehouse, steal a box, don’t under any circumstances open it and get it to another part of the country. Jack decides to do this alone, but Angelo insists on coming. Jack mentions the Doctor as always having a companion. This gives an insight into the motivations of Jack’s character: why he’s getting so close to Angelo and why he’s so close to Gwen in the present day. Jack doesn’t want to be alone, he doesn’t want to be lonely, he wants someone by his side. Jack and Angelo break into the secure warehouse, open the box and kill an alien that could have had a big impact on the politics of the time. Then the alarm goes off and as they are trying to escape Jack gets shot. Angelo shocked, gets caught by the police. Present day Gwen continues to follow instructions from the Torchwood contact lenses and Jack wakes up. Jack tries to convince Gwen to release him but Gwen is undeterred – her family is at risk.

    In the 1920’s Angelo is finally released from prison to be met by Jack. Angelo can not believe his eyes, he saw Jack get shot and die. Jack tries to play the incident down saying “I came back for you.” Angelo with his religious roots believes Jack’s the devil, but Jack manages to convince him to go back to the room above the butchers shop – the room they used to have together. Angelo gives Jack the opportunity to tell him what he is but again Jack plays it down. Finally Angelo (convinced that Jack is the devil) kills him with a knife, only to see Jack come back alive. Angelo gets the butcher from below and kills Jack so that they can see him come back to life. It quickly spirals out of control with Jack being hooked up on butchers hooks in the cellar of the butchers with people able to come and watch him be killed and come back to life again. The old butchers wife collects the blood. Jack is also vaguely concious when three men agree to buy Jack off the butcher, thinking they are essentially buying immortality. Angelo saves Jack one evening, cleaning him up and giving him clothes. Angelo wants to go with Jack and start a fresh. But Jack disagrees and escapes off into the night.

    In the present day Gwen and Jack finally arrive at the destination given by the Torchwood contact lenses. They exchange some past experiences together as well as the most beautiful thing Jack’s ever seen, which turns out to be a rather touching moment. Cars arrive with a woman and men with guns to take Jack. But unknown to them Rex and Esther have been following and have a sniper gun on the woman. At the same time Esther calls Gwen’s Police friend in Wales who saves Gwen’s family. The woman explains that Jack will still want to come with her as she knows whose behind Miracle Day and that she knows Angelo.

    That brings Episode 7 to an end this week. You can read previous Episode reviews I’ve wrote here:

  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 1
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 2
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 3
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 4
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 5
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 6
  • Write soon,


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    TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 6

    By Amazon, Reviews, TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

    Episode 6 starts with Rex seeing Vera incinerated. Rex vows to avenge Vera’s death. Over in Wales with Gwen following her father’s second heart attack he is deemed Category 1 by a doctor. Gwen who approaches the doctor and explains about the secret module and what goes on there. But the doctor already knows and claims she’s just doing her job. Gwen says “Shame on you. Don’t ever call yourself a doctor again.” One of my favourite lines of dialogue. Gwen eventually gets her father out of the over flow camp with the help of Rhys. She drives on a motor bike with the secret module in the background and then puts in her Torchwood contact lenses. Gwen blows up the secret module before escaping. Although a good scene, I found myself thinking: where did she suddenly get that rather nice flashy bike from?

    Meanwhile in America Rex and Esther are still in the over flow camp. The director of the camp puts the camp on lockdown following incinerating Vera. Rex needs to get out of the camp and fools one of the soldiers to get his uniform, but Rex gets caught. Rex meets the camp director and Rex tells him all about Vera – unaware that it was the camp director who murdered Vera. Esther can’t get hold of Vera on her mobile and she’s worried about Rex. Esther had gone into the camp under the guise of an Administration Assistant. Esther finds out where the director has gone and follows. But the director realises that Rex and Esther know each other and Esther is forced to kill him in self defence. She finds Rex and releases him, upset that she’s killed someone. Rex reminds her that she didn’t kill him as it’s Miracle Day.

    While all this is going on Captain Jack is following his own lead on the investigation. He targets the Chief Operating Officer of Phi Cop using his PA who he’s having an affair with. The Chief Operating Officer tells Jack that he’s sent agents to investigate Miracle Day himself and that he doesn’t know whose behind it. He tells Jack that he’s the middle man as everyone else seems to be and that he’s never seen the system manipulated to such a level politically and economically. He says that whoever is behind it must have been planning Miracle Day for a long time. Finally he says that one of his agents in Italy once described that they had found The Blessing, but that he has no further information on it.

    Gwen finally arrives back in America to rejoin the team. Walking through the airport she gets a tannoy call to use the curtsy phone. Gwen picks up the phone and hears one word “lenses” (referring to her Torchwood contact lenses). Gwen puts them in and sees written messages. “We have your mother. We have your husband. We have your child.” Gwen asks what they want and they answer with one word “Jack.” Gwen is faced with a dilemma. Her loyalty for Jack versus saving her family. That ends Episode 6 leaving us wondering what will happen next in what’s turning out to be a fantastic series.

    You can read previous Episode’s I’ve wrote here:

  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 1
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 2
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 3
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 4
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 5
  • Blog soon,


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    TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 5

    By Amazon, Reviews, TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

    Episode 5 marks the half way point in the Torchwood Miracle Day series. It’s at this point that I’ve finally got to grips with the characters. We already know Captain Jack Harness – Usually immortal, but Miracle Day has switched things around – making Jack mortal and the rest of the world immortal. Played by the gorgeous John Barrowman; we also know Gwen Cooper – Jack’s right hand woman, married to Rhys and has a beautiful baby girl. Gwen’s father in Episode 4 was moved to a “over flow” camp. But what about the newbies?

    Well we’ve previously met Rhys Williams – Married to Gwen and occasionally helps out on Torchwood missions, albeit reluctantly. As for the new American cast, we have:

    • Rex Matheson – A CIA agent who should have died in a car accident but Miracle Day is keeping him alive. He joined Captain Jack and Gwen after those behind Miracle Day instructed agents in the CIA to take out Jack.
    • Esther Drummond – A CIA intelligence analyst and friend of Rex. She joins the Torchwood team after being set up by those behind Miracle Day to look like she’s been taking bribes to disclose information. She has a sister who can’t cope well with the outside world and is reliant on Esther to look after her.
    • Vera Juarez – A doctor who has been involved in dealing with Miracle Day. She’s treated Rex after his accident on Miracle Day and been his pain killer dealer of sorts. She has been intimate with him since.
    • Oswald Danes – Is the openly admitted and found guilty paedophile and murder. Backed by Phi Cop a pharmaceutical company who Torchwood suspect caused Miracle Day.
    • Jilly Kitzinger – The PR Agent whose managing Oswald and has a connection with Phi Cop, but it hasn’t been revealed what exactly the connection is yet.

    So what happened in this episode then? Firstly Gwen goes back to Wales (using a fake identity) to rescue her dad from an over flow camp. Meanwhile Esther discovers that the plans stolen from Phi Cop’s server have a module that’s not on the official plans or maps online. A secret module, Torchwood need to find out what’s going on in these secret modules. So Rex uses his accident to get put into a camp, with Esther going in as a Administration Assistant and Dr. Vera going in as an inspector. Phi Cop get the world to agree to categories of life. Category 1 is most serious and is how you end up in the secret modules, whereas Category 2 is for those injured but still concious and aware. Category 3 is for those healthy and uninjured.

    Meanwhile Gwen and Rhys manage to infiltrate a camp in Wales and rescue her dad, only for him to suffer another heart attack and end up being recategorised from Category 2 to Category 1.

    Rex get’s Esther to recategorise him as Category 1 so that he can find out and film what happens in the secret module. Dr. Vera comes in under the guise of an inspector and is shown around. Whilst being shown around she finds standards are less than satisfactory (to say the least) and says she’s going to report the man running the camp. He goes mad and shoots her.

    Rather than getting her treatment he takes her to the secret module and that’s when you realise something’s not right. The secret modules are tiny imcomparison to the rest of the camp, yet there are probably as many (if not more) people in Category 1 as in Category 2. It’s revealed that the secret module contains incinerators and that they are incinerating Category 1 people.

    Meanwhile Captain Jack finds Oswald whose about to make a big speech to the entire American nation and tries to encourage him to tell the truth about what’s going on, giving him a speech. Jilly (the PR Agent) tells Oswald that he needs to go on stage and read a speech ending in “reveal” to show a big Phi Cop logo on a screen behind him. Oswald stutters and stumbles on stage dropping both speeches. Both Jack and Jilly watch nervously as Oswald beings talking, reading neither of their speeches. Oswald says that we were once animals, then evolved to human beings and now we’ve evolved again to Angels. He finishes his speech by saying “reveal.”

    Rex finds Dr. Vera as the man guy running the camp is about to incinerate her and that is where the episode ends for this week.

    You can read previous Episode Reviews here:

  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 1
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 2
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 3
  • TV – Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode 4
  • Already looking forward to Episode 6,


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