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SHAME on the Media Elite – Theresa May’s Speech on becoming Prime Minister

By PoliticalNo Comments

This is my reaction to this speech made by Theresa May on becoming the Prime Minister today:

Well I hate to say it, but Theresa May gave a good speech today. There were some interesting changes to the cabinet and more to no doubt be announced.

However I do want to say SHAME TO THE BRITISH PRESS. Not one of them reported the protests going on outside Downing Street during May’s speech. Complete TV, radio, print and online silence. This is how democracy dies, when those in power whether that be politicians or the media elite ignore and/or silence the views of the people.

The only video I could find about the protests today was this one, ironically from the US:

I’m sharing it because I think it should be shared. I think it SHOULD have been reported on by the media. Everyone has a right to have their voice heard. If the media elite wont hear them, I will do my best to share their voices on social media/on this blog.

Remember that nobody voted for Theresa May to be Prime Minister. If this had happened in a country in the east of the world, our media would be sensationalising it, perhaps even calling her a Dictator. Although May is saying things that sound good, we really have no idea what she intends to do.

It’s a sad day. Write soon,


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Bravely Sharing My Short Stories

By CreativityNo Comments

Hi all,

Just a quick post to let you know that I’ve released my two short stories: Stuck Between A Rock… and A Few Amazing Moments online for FREE Download. Here is what they are about:

Stuck Between A Rock… – Gina and Tom have just got engaged. But she’s got a secret and worries about his reaction when he discovers the truth. She’s also got an interview for the Director of Sales job, but she has some unexpected competition. How will Tom react when he discovers her secret? And will she win the Director of Sales job or is fate leading her in a different direction?

A Few Amazing Moments – In A Few Amazing Moments Shaun shares his journey to find love through the decades. From his teen experience of rejection; to living by the philosophy of grabbing a few amazing moments of love where he can. The moments always coming to an end as he expects. But with Nathan his best friend and lover, will it be a happily ever after or is it another one of those relationships with a shelf life?

As well as releasing the stories themselves, I’ve also shared what I learnt through the process of writing and afterwards. I have already said how the thought of sharing these stories makes me slightly nauseous; but I’m still bravely choosing to share. Hope you enjoy.

Write creatively soon,


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Not Forgotten About You

By LifeNo Comments

Hi all,

Just a quick post to say that I’ve not forgotten about you!

For the past month as I’ve been writing and editing a short story for a competition. Now that it’s done and submitted I can get back to my usual: reading & reviewing books and bloging about other things in my life.

So after next week expect the following blog posts to start appearing:

  • Book Review: One Hundred Names by Cecelia Ahern
    I’ll tell you what I thought of One Hundred Names along with how it compares to Ahern’s previous books.
  • New Experiences: January – Do something that makes you feel uncomfortable
    I’ll write about how I could have been partially naked for this experience; but ended up opting for something that made me feel emotionally vulnerable instead.
  • Technology Review: The iPhone 5
    I’ll write about the good, the bad and where I think Apple has gone wrong with the new iPhone.
  • New Experiences: February – Take a photo every day
    I’ll sharing all of the photos I’ve been collecting this month along with captions.

Take care & I’ll write soon,


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