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Russell Howard, Campness & Heating

By Gay, Gigs & Shows, LifeNo Comments

Russell Howard
This weekend I went to see Russell Howard in Bolton. He was very funny, has a wonderful imagination and is highly intelligent. His tour called ‘Dingledodies’ will soon be released on DVD and it is a purchase I highly recommend. You can pre-order it at Amazon below:

I know from time to time, I can be a little camp. Ok, a lot camp at times. So it is only natural that the camp gay man inside of me loves the new girls aloud song ‘Promises’. Here’s the video off YouTube:

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I am pleased to announce I have heating again! Yes the boiler packed up on Saturday leaving me and my house mates with out Heating or Hot Water! So happy to have it back, it makes me appreciate it more.

Blog soon,


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