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the clever cat woman

Book Review: The Complete Cat by Vicky Halls

By Amazon, Books & Authors, Pets, ReviewsNo Comments
the-complete-cat-vicky-halls The Complete Cat by Vicky Halls was a book that was recommended to me on a Bengal cat forum as a soon to be new owner of two kittens (see New editions to the family & Kittens at home and spending time with Family and Friends).

Vicky Halls is apparently well known in cat circles as the clever cat woman and The Complete Cat demonstrates her knowledge of the feline species. The book is over 500 pages long and starts with an introductory letter to the person considering getting the cat:

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The Complete Cat, enjoying Vicky Halls engaging writing style. The book covers everything you could ever want to know about cats including: selecting kittens, integrating adult cats, multi cat households, diet and nutrition, health and veterinary care, indoor versus outdoor, cat behaviour, etc. It’s like a one stop reference guide for everything to do with cats. The only criticism I have about the book is that it the information about different pedigree breeds was limited, a paragraph at best.

If you’ve got cats or are planning to get them The Complete Cat by Vicky Halls is well worth buying. I’m sure I’ll be re-reading sections of it as time goes by as a sort of reference guide when I’m unsure. The Complete Cat by Vicky Halls is available to buy on Amazon or at other good book retailers.

Will review Bengal Cats by Dan Rice soon,


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