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Max Brooks

Book Review: The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks

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the-zombie-survival-guide-max-brooks-book-cover The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks was disappointing. Although it was informative and a worthwhile read if you’ve ever contemplated or seriously thought about what you’d do in a zombie apocalypse, it lacked any real hooks to keep the reader captivated.

The Zombie Survival Guide is split into sections, covering: The Undead, Weapons and Combat Techniques, Defence, being On The Run and going On The Attack.

The is a section of Recorded Attacks – evidence of zombie outbreaks from history that were both fascinating and enjoyable to read.

UK readers may dislike the Americanism in The Zombie Survival Guide. However to be fair, Brooks did address this in an Author’s Note right at the beginning of the book.

Overall The Zombie Survival Guide is worth a read, mainly for the Recorded Attacks section at the end of the book.

Brooks also wrote World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, which I have reviewed here.

Review soon,



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Book Review: World War Z – An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks

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world-war-z-book-cover I bought World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War after watching the World War Z film. I loved the film and was looking forward to the book. But it’s taken me over a year to read it.

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War is written in an interview style, interviewing people from across the world, their memories unfolding what happened in the fictional zombie war. I had a huge problem with this style for two reasons.

Firstly, the reviews were set post World War Z. This meant that the reader knows from the outset that the characters being interviewed would survive, even if they be damaged physically or emotionally (which was usually apparent at the outset of the interview).

Secondly, there were so many different characters interviewed that I simply didn’t care for any of them. When the reader finds it difficult to connect with an ever-changing cast of characters it makes it difficult for you to care about their loss of family members, friends, colleagues, etc.

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War is well researched. Brooks has considered the politics, culture, society and economic operations of each country his interviewer visits. He demonstrates his exceptional knowledge of traditional warfare. The plot starts with the initial actions countries would likely take to a Zombie War. When these inital reactions don’t work Brooks moves the plot on to more extreme actions.

Brooks explores the entire globe (and beyond) through the interviews showing how the human race overcome the threat of extinction by coming together and working together. Humanity working together differently and creatively. The ending of the book is satisfactory; filled with hope for humanity, but is a little over sentimental for the genre.

Some people will love World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks; others will hate it. I neither loved or hated it. If anything it was mediocre and unexceptional.

We’ve all imagined what we’d do in a zombie apocalypse and for this reason alone I still want to read The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks.

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks is available to buy on Amazon.

Review soon,



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Reading for Pleasure

By Amazon, Books & AuthorsNo Comments
Books I've Bought Recently

Books I’ve Bought Recently

Until recently I hadn’t bought any books for ages. I didn’t need to, what with the free ones I was getting from Publishers Publicists to review. But I noticed that reading had become like a chore and had significantly slowed down.

The great thing about getting books from Publishers Publicists is that I’ve discovered new authors and new books that I love. But it’s a mixed bag.

Sometimes I get books that I wouldn’t necessarily choose to read. That’s when it becomes like a chore. I count down the pages and force myself to read on.

I decided that I’m going back to reading for pleasure. So this month I’ve treated myself to several books that I want to read. They are in the photo above.

Left to Right Top Row: Gone by Michael Grant, Zombie Apocalypse! Fightback by Stephen Jones & Oh Dear Silvia by Dawn French.

Left to Right Bottom Row: Hunger by Michael Grant, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks & The Fallen by Charlie Higson.

I’m already really enjoying reading again. I’m hooked and a few of these books and will review them after I’ve read them.

Write soon,


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