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July 2024

Morris the Mould

By HealthNo Comments

Let me introduce you to Morris the Mould:

This last week I’ve seen Max Fax about the hole in the roof of my mouth. Their immediate fix is Morris. He reminds me of a retainer brace I once had when I was in my teens.I’m thinking about getting him googly eyes and a wig.

But seriously, although currently uncomfortable he covers the hole allowing me to eat and drink without things coming out of my nose.

But it doesn’t seal the hole by sitting flat against it as I hoped. This means my ability to talk and be understood is still impaired.

They are looking to surgically fix the hole and potentially rebuild my septum in my nose in January. Providing that:

  1. The hole doesn’t get any worse in the meantime – not something I really have control over.
  2. That I remain smoke-free.
  3. That I manage to improve my blood sugar readings to reduce the risk of surgical complications. I’m going on an insulin pump soon, which should help with this.

I’m disappointed that Morris doesn’t sit tight against the roof of my mouth, essentially blocking the hole so that I can speak normally. In every conversation, I am struggling to be understood. For someone that’s always relied on verbal communication this is heartbreaking.

My mood is low and I feel like Vascuilitis is winning.

Take care,


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The WORST Week of My Life

By HealthNo Comments

Last week was the worst of my life. The hole in the roof of my mouth got bigger. It took away my ability to speak and be understood clearly, restricted my diet and fluid intake and made taking medications challenging.

It sent my mood very low. Apart from attending a coupe of medical appointments, I slept. Day and night. That’s all I did. The situation felt overwhelming.

Its taken me a week to figure it out. I’ve been stressing and worrying about things that I have no control over. It reminded of this page in The Alcohol Therapy Workbook:

So I am re-focusing on what I can control: me. My thoughts and behaviours.

Write soon,


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Health Update: Problems With Speaking & Being Understood

By HealthNo Comments

In a month, the hole in the roof of my mouth has doubled in size. The NHS has lost my Max Fax referral and it is now affecting my ability to speak and in being understood.

It has already affected my diet and fluid intake, causing me to loose weight.

So I had no choice but to go to my local A&E Department and request another Max Fax referral. It was so fustrating the staff not understanding me when I tried to explain myself. The only way I can be understood clearly is with yes and no answers.

Vasculitis continues to get me down and I’m still waiting to start on the treatment fot it.

Blog soon,


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Video Trailer for Z-VIRUS Powers

By Books & Authors, CreativityNo Comments

Here is the video trailer for my latest book Z-VIRUS Powers, enjoy:

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