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Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers of 2009 Announced

By Gay, ThinkingNo Comments

Stonewall have realised this list of the Top 100 Employers who stand for equality.

Interestingly high up on this list included the Police. The police have a history of institutionalised rasicism therefore making them historically inequal. Therefore they must be making progress.

However I still feel they need to continue to work on equality. I have got several gay friends of mine that have recieved a poor service off the police. Indeed some of them have had homophobic remarks made by police officers. Some of my friends tell me that police officers have stated that it is their fault when reporting homophobic crime.

It is nice to see that central and local governments are on the list seen as they make the equality legislation. Next year it would be fantastic to see some NHS organisations on the list! This is because I know a lot of work goes on to protect equality of their employees in the NHS and respect & value the diversity of their employees.

Wishing you all equality always,


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Royal Variety Show 2008, NO longer for the new comers!

By Amazon, Gay, Rants, TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

Hi All,

The Royal Variety Show is a British National Insititution. Much like tea or cucumber sandwiches.

Historically it has always been a place for new comers in the music, comedy and theatre fields. Any that appeared on The Royal Variety Show , later went on to be big.

So I have been saving the most recent one for watching on a chill night. Tonight was that night.

I am soo disappointed. No new talent. The performers included Take That, Leona Lewis, Jimmy Carr, Duffy, Peter Kay (as Geraldine McQueen), four west end musicals, too name a few. All big stars who’ve made it.

The exception to this was of course George Samson:

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I wish it would go back to giving new comers in the fields a chance.

Ok, rant over. (I feel better now!)


P.S it was made better by John Barrowman performing ‘What about us’ and I particularly loved the gay couple centre stage! See for yourself:

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Goals for 2009

By Adventures, Amazon, Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, Health, Life, Money / Finances, ThinkingNo Comments

We all have goals don’t we?

Well here’s mine, for 2009 (owe it rhymes):

  • Health – To Improve my blood sugar control, eat better & be generally healthy.
  • Financial – To pay off debts (one from last year I didn’t actually manage to do).
  • Work – To complete work-related qualification & continue my professional development.
  • Home – To put together a dream home book and start working towards it
  • Adventures – To go to Italy for two weeks and explore the culture, places and people that inhabit this land.
  • Creative – To do some more candle making (see A Visit to Simon’s) and some creative writing.
  • Be There – To continue to be there for family & friends who I am very lucky to have.

    Amazon have got this interesting site for New Years Resolutions. Have a look it has show good products on offer.

    With My Love to All,


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  • More people practicing The Craft

    By Life, Money / Finances, Music & Radio, Paganism, ThinkingNo Comments

    As 2009 approaches (ok well it’s upon us but I’m a little behind), more people are turning to The Craft (witchcraft) to rid their woes of 2008.

    I was listening to the Radio, the presenter was advising people to write down their concerns and shred them using a shredder. The majority of people calling in to the show where planning to write on their paper about financial concerns (i.e. credit card bills, other bills, etc.) due to the current global economic crisis.

    As I drove I smiled to myself, knowing that this is a form on magick.
    Thought & Intention – Writing on the paper & the physical act of shreding.
    The energy – Created through the slicing of the shredder.

    If there are things you wish to rid yourself off in 2009, I would recommend this method. But I would suggest you balance it with some positive intentions of things you wish to bring in to your life.

    Blessed Be,


    Coming soon: My goals of 2009.

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