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Influential Me?

By Life, Rants, Thinking2 Comments

My recent post Maintaining Motivation has influenced readers it seems.

Firstly if you see the comments under this post you will see that it has inspired Mike to come up with goals for 2009.
My response: Good. Good. Go for it guy!

Secondly it has inspired my good friend Sye to write a post on his blog entited RE: Motivation.
My response: Get the bloddy worksheet done!

Take care all,


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Technical Difficulties

By Technology, The WebNo Comments

If you have tried to access my site in the last few days you will have had problems. Appologies for this, I blame it on Word Press. Although a fantastic tool for providing blog entries but occasionally (like most technology) it messes up.

Hopefully it’s sorted now!

I would like to thank Dataflame my hosting provider for their excellent customer service. If you need hosting I would highly recommend them.

Take Care,


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Yes Man

By Happiness & Joy, Life, Love & Relationships, Reviews, TV, Online Streaming & Films3 Comments

Hi All,

David and I spent the whole weekend together this weekend. We had our chat and discussed the arguement (see Job Interview & David).

Then David played to me. He played some wonderful romantic music on the keyboard, including some of my favourite love songs. He is soo talented. He can listen to a tune and copy it exactually, knowing which notes (or what ever they are!) to key. I was simply in Awe of him.

After the wonderful romance we decided to head out to the cinemas. We watched Yes Man. Truth be told I though it would be a re-take of Liar, Liar. However I was to be pleasantly supprised.

Jim Carrey stars as a single, middle aged man, who works in a bank and spends his life saying No. He spends his time sat on the sofa watching DVD’s. Then some how he manages to end up at a YES conference. He ends up making a covenet to say yes to everything.

Throughout it was none-stop-laughter, so I would highly recommend it. It makes you think about being open to new experiences and opportunities as well. (Although I wouldn’t necessarily want to have a 80 year old woman offer me a sexual favour and have to say yes.)

Write soon,


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Catching up on TV

By Amazon, Life, TV, Online Streaming & Films2 Comments

Good evening all!

What a busy week it’s been – well on the work front!

So I finally sat down to catch up on TV that I had saved on freeview recorder. Here some of my highlights:

I have only (back end of the last series) got in to Shameless! And goddess, was I missing out. It’s fantastic. Very funny and in many aspects true to life. I am seriously considering buying the previous series on Amazon (see Shameless Search @ Amazon). Perhaps I should add this too Things I want, but can’t afford – update?

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Gok Wang: Too Fat Too Young
In this documentary Gok Wang explores the relationship between young people’s weight & their self esteem. What’s most interesting, is that he looks at his own past and as a teenager he was big. What a shock? Especially as he looks sooo thin now. He explains that he was isolated as a teenager being gay and part-chinese in ethnic origin. These effecting his self esteem and leading to comfort eating and him balloning. Now his biography would be a good read!

Intrestingly my friend Sye has posted this on his blog:

Hey, just a quick post to tell you theres going to be a new article every month or so (depending on how long I can keep her subdued, which usually means not answering her calls until she comes knocking at the door) by a new writer to the site called Vivian.

You can read Vivian’s take on obesity here. Not sure I agree with her, apart from the comments around us needing to exercise more. We could all use some more exercise as a society. (Like the way I deflected it away from me as an individual?)

I really enjoy this programme. If only school could of been like this: education with fun and laughter thrown in. I’m sure we would have more achievers in the school system.

What am I missing? A particular good programme or series? Write a comment and let me know, who knows I may even watch it.

Have an ace weekend,


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