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By Happiness & Joy, Life, ThinkingNo Comments

Christmas / Yule is a time of contemplation for me. I think back to the wonderful people past and present, the experiences I’ve been fortunate to have and the trinkets I have collected on the way.

I keep trinkets (ticket stubs, photos, gifts, cards, etc.) in a shoe box and them label them by year. I am still collecting for 2008. But here is a photo of Memory Box 2007:

Christmas or in my case Yule, gives me an opportunity to look through them and remember the wonderful memories.

So with this in mind, I would like to thanks my family, friends, past boyfriends, David and everyone else for the memories you have all given me.

With Love,


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‘If I were gay’ Straight Humour

By Gay, Music & Radio, The WebNo Comments

Hey all,

Check out this video entitled If I were gay:

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It has funny lines, romantic lines, sexual lines. The perceptions of a straight hetrosexual with his gay admire(er) friend.

Let me know what you think, by leaving a comment.



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Yule & A Lifetime Gift

By Friends & Family, Love & Relationships, PaganismNo Comments

Hello All,

My ‘Christmas’ is called Yule and is more related to the changing off the seasons. Marking the end of winter and welcoming back the sun. To read more about Yule go here. Anyway Yule is on the 21st December (yesterday).

So David came down for a ritual with Simon, Chrys and some of their friends. David and I went shopping to make a Yule Compote (a mashed fruit desert). It was lovely and went down a treat.

Prior to going to ritual I gave David a lovely Yule gift I had bought him. A beatiful Book Of Shadows (B.O.S). A B.O.S is a journal to record his path as he explores paganism. It includes: learning, experiences, rituals, spells, recipies, etc.

David loved his gift (thankfully!). I also bought two of these books for my self
(Hey! I’ve been living as a pagan for over 7 years!).

Here’s a photo of mine:

(Notice the A.S initals at the bottom. I had Davids personalised like this too!)

I bought it from The Diary Shop I would highly recommend it. They are hand made with hand made paper and reasonably priced.

Anyway, the Yule ritual went well. Although I am nackard tonight.

So one last thing before I go, do you remember that song by George Micheal?

Yes, last Christmas. Well I’ve been hearing it all day, and if I have to suffer so do you.

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In love and light,


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Past time Crushes

By Love & Relationships, Music & Radio, ThinkingNo Comments

Ok, it’s time to confess. I have been recently having a pre-christmas de-clutter. I found a shoe box of old CD’s. In it I found a single I bought in 2003 by allSTARS.

Who? I hear you say, exactually. A band that never took off. I had the biggest crush on a guy called Sam in the band (the one with the dark hair).

Here are videos of their two single releases:

Things That Go Bump In The Night

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The Land Of Make Believe

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More embarrasing, I still think he’s kind of hot! I tried to search him online, but didn’t know his last name. Ah well, never mind.

Blog soon,


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