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We all have goals don’t we?

Well here’s mine, for 2009 (owe it rhymes):

  • Health – To Improve my blood sugar control, eat better & be generally healthy.
  • Financial – To pay off debts (one from last year I didn’t actually manage to do).
  • Work – To complete work-related qualification & continue my professional development.
  • Home – To put together a dream home book and start working towards it
  • Adventures – To go to Italy for two weeks and explore the culture, places and people that inhabit this land.
  • Creative – To do some more candle making (see A Visit to Simon’s) and some creative writing.
  • Be There – To continue to be there for family & friends who I am very lucky to have.

    Amazon have got this interesting site for New Years Resolutions. Have a look it has show good products on offer.

    With My Love to All,


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