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Youtube Homophobia

By The WebNo Comments

Over a year ago, I posted this video to Youtube:

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Then about a week ago, I received an email stating I had comments on the video. I logged on and saw:

It was a reminder that homophobia still exsists in this hertrosexual world.

How would this person react if they met me face to face? Would they hide their homophobia or be verbally and physically abusive? I guess for them it would depend on the setting. I would react in the same way regardless of the setting, I would challenge their homophobia providing it was safe to do so.

My response to him: Yeah, I’m gay, and?

If I were him I would be concerned as to why he was on a video authored by a gay man? Perhaps some internalised homophobia towards himself?

Get a life! I shall be challenging this through Youtube. Not so much for me, but for any gay person that has ever experienced homophobia. If it’s not challenged, it will only continue.

Let you know how I get on with Youtube,

Antony x

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