Human beings are social animals and since even before the beginning of language, we developed and engaged in communities.

I, like you all are part of many communities. Including (but by no means limited to): my immediate family, my locality, nursing, gay, authors/writers and pagan/spirituality.
I love being part of every community that I am part of, but like any community I don’t always agree with or like all members.
On exceptionally rare occasions, I get into conflict with a community member. Sometimes it’s like we can’t see what brings us together as community members. Like we are too focused by difference, rather than the similarities.
It is always sad when this happens and even sadder when we can’t agree to disagree. What is difficult for me to accept, is that sometimes there is no resolution to these disagreements.
I have apologised for any offense caused. I have empathised, trying to understand another’s point of view.
I have explained my perspective and thinking. I have explained my feelings. I have sought resolution.
But unfortunately there was no resolution wanted on the other side. Perhaps with time, there may be resolution. Perhaps there may not be. But at least I’ve tried.
Best wishes & Write soon,
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