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The Heartbreaking Story of Matthew Shepard

By Gay, HistoryNo Comments

In the late 90s, a story gained international news coverage: The story of a young student who was tortured and then murdered for being gay in America. This story was the story of Matthew Shepard:

Matthew Shepard was a young student in Wyoming, America. He was also a gay man. On 6th October 1998, two men approached Matthew at a bar and after a discussion he agreed to get a lift home with them. Instead they beat him senseless resulting in multiple life-threatening injuries, tortured him and then left him to die in agony. They robbed Matthew, tied him to a fence and left him to die.

Matthew was left there, drifting in and out of consciousness for 18 hours. Matthew was then discovered by a cyclist who called the Police. Matthew was still alive, barely, but had slipped into a coma after being in what must have been in excruciating pain. Matthew had two skull fractures, which had left his brain too damaged to keep his heart beating and lungs breathing independently. In the days that followed, Matthew never regained consciousness and on 12th October 1998, at the age of just 21 years old he died.

The perpetrators of Matthew’s brutal and shocking murder admitted that his sexuality and their plans to rob him were their motivations for the attack and eventual murder. It later came out that they had pretended to be gay in order to gain his trust and persuade him to go with them. They both received life sentences without the opportunity for parole.

Matthews mother later set up The Matthew Shepard Foundation, in his memory. I’ve wanted to write Matthew’s story for a long time.

So, why now? Because with Donald Trump as President of America, I fear there will be another Matthew Shepard in America.

Donald Trump is already targeting the LGBT community with his rhetoric. And. He’s. Only. Just. Got. Power. I can only see Donald Trump’s behaviour getting worse.

I find it absolutely incredible that Donald Trump got into power once, let alone again. Donald Trump is a billionaire and influential man. I hope the American democracy isn’t as corrupt as it looks from the outside right now. I also hope, but highly doubt, that other leaders of the world will pull him up on his bad behaviour towards the LGBT community.

Write soon,


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Themes From Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary & Christmas Specials

By TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

The end of 2023 brought with it the highly anticipated Dr Who 60th Anniversary Specials and the Christmas Special. This blog post is about the themes from these specials, looking at each episode individually. I’ve done a themes type post for Series 11, Series 12 & Series 13 of Doctor Who.

At the end of Series 13, the Doctor regenerated back into an old face (played by the fantastic David Tennant). Prior to the ending of Series 13, the superb news came that Russell T Davies would be returning to Doctor Who as the lead Writer.

David Tennant returns to Doctor Who:

David Tennant is accompanied by the return of Donna Noble (played by the hilarious Catherine Tate):

A new cast member is Rose Noble (played exquisitely by Yasmin Finney). Yasmin’s character is particularly important to the Trans community, as both Rose and Yasmin identify as Trans. Rose Noble:

Episode 1 – The Star Beast

  • Cute & fluffy, doesn’t necessarily mean that a creature has good intentions.
  • Representation and visibility remain as important as ever for the LGBT+ community, but especially for Trans people who still suffer stigma, discrimination and sometimes hate crimes because of who they are. Some people think it’s okay to dead name Trans people, which is just cruel.
  • People with disabilities don’t want you to make them the problem.
  • Sometimes the best thing to do for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health is to let go.
  • The TARDIS redesign is beautiful. There is no other word for it, just: beautiful.

Episode 2 – Wild Blue Yonder

  • Mavity replaces Gravity due to a misunderstanding by Sir Isaac Newton.
  • The Doctor finds Sir Isaac Newton as “hot” and notes “Oh, it’s like that now.” Suggesting he might be gay or bisexual.
  • The TARDIS can literally disappear if it senses danger. It has an Hostile Action Displacement System (HADS).
  • There are probably weird life forms out there that would cause us to redefine our definition of life. Some are likely to be good, but others, like the ones in this episode could be quite sinister.
  • The universe has an edge.
  • Wilfred Mott (Donna’s Grandfather, played by the brilliant Bernard Cribbins) waits in the alley for Donna & the Doctor to return.

Episode 3 – The Giggle

  • Old adverseries can return.
  • Bi-generation is a thing.
  • Even the Doctor needs a break from travelling and a family for a sense of belonging.
  • Ncuti Gatwa is the 15th Doctor.

Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor:

Christmas Special – The Church on Ruby Road

  • The character Ruby is introduced and her back story is given.
  • Goblins are real and have a knot language.
  • Who is the old woman that seems to know all about the Doctor and the TARDIS?

Write soon,


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By Gay, Happiness & Joy, Love & Relationships, Paganism, The Web, ThinkingNo Comments

Human beings are social animals and since even before the beginning of language, we developed and engaged in communities.

I, like you all are part of many communities. Including (but by no means limited to): my immediate family, my locality, nursing, gay, authors/writers and pagan/spirituality.

I love being part of every community that I am part of, but like any community I don’t always agree with or like all members.

On exceptionally rare occasions, I get into conflict with a community member. Sometimes it’s like we can’t see what brings us together as community members. Like we are too focused by difference, rather than the similarities.

It is always sad when this happens and even sadder when we can’t agree to disagree. What is difficult for me to accept, is that sometimes there is no resolution to these disagreements.

I have apologised for any offense caused. I have empathised, trying to understand another’s point of view.

I have explained my perspective and thinking. I have explained my feelings. I have sought resolution.

But unfortunately there was no resolution wanted on the other side. Perhaps with time, there may be resolution. Perhaps there may not be. But at least I’ve tried.

Best wishes & Write soon,


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Wonderful Websites – Gay Culture and Society

By Gay, The Web8 Comments
wonderful-websites-image This is the seventh blog post in a series titled Wonderful Websites. The first focused on general health and can be read here. The second focused on mental health and mental illness and can be read here. The third post focused on shopping and can be read here.

The fourth focused on money and can be read here. The fifth focused on gigs, shows and theatres and can be read here. The sixth focused on paganism and can be read here.

Here’s Wonderful Websites about gay culture and society:

1. The Gay UK – My number one source of gay news.

2. Gay Star News – My close second source of gay news.

3. Gaydio – A gay radio station that can be listened to in London and Manchester and online.

4. Stonewall – A national charity that campaigns for LGBT rights.

5. The Albert Kennedy Trust – A charity that supports LGBT homeless young people.

6. RUComingOut is a brilliant resource for anyone struggling to come to terms with their sexuality, coming out or thinking about it.

7. GMFA – A gay men’s health charity.

8. LGBT @ BuzzFeed – A news site that has an LGBT section. Has the odd interesting article.

Are there any gay culture and society websites that you think are useful that aren’t on the list? If so leave a comment below and let me know.

In the next post in my Wonderful Websites I will list great TV, Online Streaming & Films websites.

Blog soon,


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