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Sister Act

The Superb & Sensational Sister Act (The Musical)

By Friends & Family, Gigs & ShowsNo Comments

Me & Mum about to go in for Sister Act (The Musical) .

Yesterday mum and I went to see the superb and sensational Sister Act (The Musical) at Manchester’s Palace Theatre.

We arrived into town early to grab tea. We ate at The Stage Door Bar. The food was good and was reasonably priced. Plus it is next to The Palace Theatre, meaning we didn’t have to walk far for the show.

The show its self is set in the late 1970s, with a younger Deloris Van Cartier, but the plot is essentially the same. Deloris Van Cartier was played by the fabulous Alexandra Burke.

The music was catchy with Take Me To Heaven and Fabulous, Baby! standing out. As well as the music, there was plenty of comedy. The choreography was favourable, only limited by the costumes and roles of the cast. The set was pretty stationary, but appropriately so.


Sister Act (The Musical) Stage. No photos were allowed during the performance.

Overall the show was superb and sensational and enjoyed by all. If you enjoyed the film Sister Act and you get the opportunity, you should definitely go see Sister Act The Musical.

Write soon,



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Some Plans for 2017

By Adventures, Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, LifeNo Comments

I was ill for the first few weeks of January. At one point, I took to my bed for three days. As a result, I haven’t finished deciding on or writing up my goals and new experiences for 2017.

But I have started making plans. So far my plans include:

  • A Big Birthday Bash for Chrys. Still do most of the planning and organising for. Still to source of suitable present.
  • Finish my tour along Hadrian’s Wall (along with ancient sites of interest) with Simon. Date set. Still to plan in more detail.
  • My Birthday. Still to sort. My birthday is on a Sunday this year.
  • Kay & Alex’s Wedding. Hotel booked. Still to buy a new suit and source of suitable present.
  • An adventure to see Stonehenge, Glastonbury and Amesbury over two days with Simon. Dates set and hotel booked. Further planning needed.
  • A visit to Sheffield Botanical Gardens with Simon. Date set.
  • To see Despicable Me 3 with Steve or Neil, Rhianne & Ethan.
  • To see Sister Act with mum. I got tickets off mum for Christmas.
  • To Celebrate Samhain. Still to arrange.

Take care,



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