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Celebrate Samhain

Handmade Pumpkin Spice Scented Candles – Made with My New Candle Wax Melting Pan from Candle Shack

By Happiness & Joy, The WebNo Comments

Hello all,

I’m excited to be writing to share news of my latest creative project. This afternoon I have completed a batch of 15 handmade Pumpkin Spice scented candles as presents for Samhain. All 15 candles are spoken for, but you’ll have to wait till around Halloween to see if you’re one of the lucky people getting one.

I had the initial idea for these candles back in the end of 2016. But like most of my creative projects, lots of time passes between the idea and the completion of the project.

I bought the wax and dye from Supplies for Candles. I bought the fragrance from craftovator on ebay.

I treated myself to this brilliant candle wax melting pan from Candle Shack. If you make candles as a hobby you need this pan. I used to use a plastic jug in a pan of boiling water. This melting pan has quartered the time it takes me to make candles.

Once you have this candle wax melting pan, you’ll wonder how you ever did without it. Here are some photos of my new candle wax melting pan:


My new candle wax melting pan from Candle Shack (1).


You fill the melting pan with water like an iron. It holds a massive 1.5 KGS of melted wax. I had been using a plastic jug in a pan. This melting pan has quartered the time it takes me to make candles.

Here are some photos of the candles. They just need finishing off by tying a witchy charm to the jar.


My batch of handmade Pumpkin Spiced Scented Candles.


One of my Pumpkin Spiced Scented candles. They just need some witchy charms tying to each jar.

Blog soon,



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My Samhain Witch Bottle for Wealth

By PaganismNo Comments

Triple Goddess Symbol.

This year Simon and I celebrated Samhain together. We talked about loved ones on the other side of the veil, we did some card readings for one another – experimenting with The Crystal Ally Cards and the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards, burned things we would like to banish in the year ahead and made Witch Bottles.

My Witch Bottle is for Wealth. It contains: pieces of carnelian, amethyst & blue sodalite, glitter (silver, green & red), Dorothy Morrison’s Puttin’ on the Witch oil, Dorothy Morrison’s Rich Bitch oil, a scroll with symbolism on, some of my hair, energy with intention and emotion and sealed with gold wax.

Then the whole bottle was anointed with Dorothy Morrison’s St. Dorothy the Wicked Oil and put in moon light over night.

Here’s some photos of my Witch Bottle:


My Samhain Witch Bottle for Wealth (1).


My Samhain Witch Bottle for Wealth (2).

Blog soon,


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Some Plans for 2017

By Adventures, Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, LifeNo Comments

I was ill for the first few weeks of January. At one point, I took to my bed for three days. As a result, I haven’t finished deciding on or writing up my goals and new experiences for 2017.

But I have started making plans. So far my plans include:

  • A Big Birthday Bash for Chrys. Still do most of the planning and organising for. Still to source of suitable present.
  • Finish my tour along Hadrian’s Wall (along with ancient sites of interest) with Simon. Date set. Still to plan in more detail.
  • My Birthday. Still to sort. My birthday is on a Sunday this year.
  • Kay & Alex’s Wedding. Hotel booked. Still to buy a new suit and source of suitable present.
  • An adventure to see Stonehenge, Glastonbury and Amesbury over two days with Simon. Dates set and hotel booked. Further planning needed.
  • A visit to Sheffield Botanical Gardens with Simon. Date set.
  • To see Despicable Me 3 with Steve or Neil, Rhianne & Ethan.
  • To see Sister Act with mum. I got tickets off mum for Christmas.
  • To Celebrate Samhain. Still to arrange.

Take care,



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