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A New Moon Spell for a New Job

By Creativity, PaganismNo Comments

Image From & Copyright © The Angry Cauldron, 2017.

For this spell you will need:

1. Before a new moon, scratch/mark the yellow candle with the initials of the job title for the job you want.

2. Charge the candle with energy of your own.

See the golden energy moved down from your head, into your heart and then down your arm and into the candle in your hand. Imagine being offered the job and feel the happiness and excitement when it happens. Send the image of you being offered the job from your head into the candle. Feel the happiness and excitement in your heart and send that down and into the candle. Repeat this visualisation least 12 times. This should take you several minutes.

3. Anoint the candle with oil to seal in the energy.

4. On the first day of the new moon, say the following as you light the candle and repeat 9 times:

Make the (job title) job mine,
Let me be great at the job and my talents shine.

Let me interview well, myself I sell,
Let me be the best there is!

Let the money come in,
And may I enjoy it with a grin.

As the Moon does grow,
Let the magic in this spell flow,
Release it into the cosmos slow and steady,
So that everything falls in to place and is ready.

As I will it, so it is.

5. Burn the candle over several days. Each time you relight the candle, repeat the words above.

Note: This spell is to help you get the job on an energy/magical level. You still need to do the physical hard work of applying, preparing for interview and giving a good interview.

If you’ve done the hard work, the spell and don’t get offered the job, remember that there maybe a bigger reason why not. One that you can’t see now, but will do in the future.

Blog soon,


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Causes For Celebration

By Amazon, Happiness & Joy, Health, Shopping6 Comments
celebration-large What a week it’s been! There’s so many causes for celebration for me right now. Here’s the list:

  • Working to become smoke-free. I did 8 days without a cigarette, substituting cigs for Nicotinell 2mg Fruit Nicotine Gum. I’ve had a little lapse, but am determined to become smoke-free, mainly for health reasons.
  • I got £30 back from an old car servicing contract.
  • The BIG NEWS is that I’ve been offered and accepted a new job. As a rule I don’t blog about work, but I couldn’t resist sharing my good news. The new job is a fantastic opportunity and something I am super excited about.
  • A friend of mine got some good health-related news.
  • It is Papa’s Birthday today. We are having a family BBQ to celebrate tomorrow.

My mum took me out for tea to celebrate my new job. To celebrate I treated myself to 2 duck feather pillows and 3 books (The Traitor Queen by Trudi Canavan, It by Stephen King and Spun by Catherine Mckenzie). I plan to continue the celebration with a little Prosecco tomorrow with the family.

You may have noticed a lack of new blog over the last few weeks. This is because I was preparing for the interview. Now that it’s done, I shall get back to regular blogging.

Write soon,



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The Annual Christmas Card Letter

By Education, Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, Life, Love & Relationships, Paganism, Pets, Thinking2 Comments

Every year I write to my family and friends and include a Christmas card letter – letting them know what’s happened in my life in the last twelve months. This year has been no different, below is my letter tweaked slightly for you, the readers.

Get in touch, contact me

Monday 21st November 2011

Dear Reader,

How fast this year has flown! I hope you find that yours has been a positive one, that’s been filled with joy. My year has been a tough one, more so than I could have ever expected. In January Alex my younger brother (18 year old) suddenly and unexpectedly died (see My Darling Baby Brother & Grief). I lost my enthusiasm for life, and still have times when I am incredibly sad. (Right: photo of Alex.) It was around this time that I also got a letter from work stating that I was ‘at risk’ of redundancy due to the government budget cuts.

In February I continued to work on my final two university modules to complete my Nursing Degree (elearning). However due to the strict fortnightly deadlines on one module and the emotional trauma I was experiencing at the time, I was forced to put the module back. This means that instead of graduating with honours this year it will be next year.

My Darling Baby Brother

My Darling Baby Brother

25th Birthday Blackpool

In May family and friends joined me to celebrate my 25th Birthday in Blackpool (Left: a photo of family and friends, see My Blackpool Birthday). A good time was had by all and I feel very fortunate to have such wonderful friends and family. Simon and I also visited Anglesey to see some of the ancient pagan monuments. (Right: a stone circle, see Visiting: Ancient Angelsey.)

Pagan Stone Circle in Anglesey

Dylan & Russell

June brought the arrival of new additions to my immediate family, two gorgeous Bengal kittens named Dylan and Russell. I have had hours of laughter from them, lots of cuddles and intermittent mischievous behaviour (Left: Dylan and Rus saying hello to the camera, see Kittens at home and spending time with Family and Friends.) In July I had the privilege to attend Shaun (my long lost brother) and Sarah’s (his now-wife) Wedding. It was a very emotional and touching ceremony, followed by a big reception and evening party (see The Wedding of the Year).

Shaun & Sarah's Wedding

September brought new career prospects as I got interviewed for and offered a new job. I accepted and started a three year post. I am enjoying the challenge and making the most of the opportunity to learn.

John Barrowman LIVE

In October I finally got to see John Barrowman Live. I have wanted to see him perform for the last four years. The first two years I couldn’t manage to get tickets (as he only plays at more intimate venues), last year I got tickets but was too ill to go, so I was pleased to finally make it. I went with Simon and we had a fantastic time. (Left: John Barrowman before the curtain dropped, see An evening see John Barrowman LIVE.)

Now as the winter starts to signal the years end I find myself in a reflective mood. My love life this year has been barren, but I haven’t minded as I haven’t been at my best. Most of my goals for this year have not been met, and my spiritual beliefs have been challenged. Still despite all that has happened this year, there have been moments of joy and positivity.

My hopes next year are for more positivity for me and those I care about. In the New Year I hope to make more progress in whatever goals I set and hope those around me make progress in their lives too. Most of all, I hope for happiness for all.

My love always,

Antony xxx

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Exciting News & Things To Look Forward Too

By Happiness & JoyNo Comments

Let’s start with the exciting news. I have a new job!

The last week or so has been a chaotic whirlwind of activity that has led me to be offered and accepting a new job. I wont give too much details as I’ve always maintained this is a personal blog and always had a strict rule about not discussing work. Needless to say this rule will be maintained in my new post.

But it is an exciting opportunity, out of the geographic area I currently work in and will present me with some new challenges. I’ll have read up and update myself on Nursing practices in a hospital setting, as I haven’t worked in a hospital since I completed my Nurse training. I’m looking forward to starting the post in the coming months, embracing the learning opportunities the post brings as well as developing best practice.

Now on to things to look forward too over the next few months:

  • Watching John Barrowman live – I didn’t manage to see him last year due to being ill (see The long fantastic weekend, that never happened).
  • Dressing up the cats in costumes for Halloween / Samhain.
    (If anyone knows where I can buy cat costumes, please let me know by commenting. I can find plenty of human Halloween costumes online, but none so far for the cats.)
  • Undertaking Samhain ritual with Simon & Chrys (see Pagan Festivals).
  • Having a private Samhain ritual to commerate the loss of my brother Alex (see My Darling Baby Brother) earlier this year.
  • Reading The Fear by Charlie Higson and The Time of My Life by Cecelia Ahern.
  • Yule / Christmas – the opportunity to take some time out with my family and friends. Plus it’s the cats first Christmas, so they will be spoilt. No doubt they’ll manage to bring down the Christmas tree. I’m sure it will have sad moments since Alex (see My Darling Baby Brother) wont be here – but I’m hoping that overall it will be positive.
  • Completion of my first few chapters of a creative writing story I’m going to set to work on (I promise) and getting all of your feedback.
  • One of my brothers fiancée giving birth to a baby. Giving me another Niece or Nephew.

So lots to look forwards too. Signing off for now, feeling really positive,


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