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The Feeling were Awesome!

By Gigs & Shows, Happiness & Joy, LifeNo Comments

The feeling were awesome! They were on for 2 hours and 30 mins!

Here’s some photos:

And some video clips

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Blast from the past & Eagle Eye

By Friends & Family, The Web, Thinking, TV, Online Streaming & FilmsNo Comments

I recently had a message on facebook from a old school mate, talk about a blast from the past! It was nice to hear off the person in question, if not a little odd.

This is the thing about facebook, it allows all mannors of people from your past to get in touch with you. Some you would like and some you may not. Now whilst I don’t mind this person getting in touch, I have had others add me as a friend that I’ve chose to ignore. Sometimes you past is your past for a reason.

In other news…David and I went watching Eagle Eye this weekend. It was an action film about two people who were being instructed to do things for an unknown purpose. It was all action. The story line was weak and easily worked out. A film that is worth watching once to say you’ve seen – but not worth buying on DVD.

Tomorrow I am going to see The Feeling, so excited.


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Bathroom Dancing, Inspired and Just Discovered!

By Amazon, Books & Authors, Gigs & Shows, PaganismNo Comments

Bathroom dancing, does anybody do it?

Whilst your bath is running, plugged in to your ipod – dance in front of the mirror. Is it just me? I think we all need a bit of fun every now and again, ha ha or maybe I just need a night out!

My weekend (see A Weekend ‘Paganing’) inspired me, despite being broke, to buy How to Create a Magical Home and Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions. Now the latter may worry you, however we curse people sub-conciously on a daily basis. I also use the phrase ‘know thy enemy’. In addition to these books, I couldn’t resist picking up 2009 Bunny Suicides Deluxe Diary.

Finally, I have just discovered French and Saunders are realising a DVD of their last ever tour. I was lucky enough to see it earlier this year with my mum.

I will be buying this as I think they are wonderful. Perhaps a Christmas gift to myself.

Warmest Regards,


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A Weekend ‘Paganing’

By PaganismNo Comments

Well what a weekend it’s been, eh?

For me it’s been a busy one as I have been ‘paganing’. I attended a late Samhain ritual on Saturday, which gave me an opportunity to interact with my local fellow pagans. I was supprised to discover how much I actually knew and for the first time calculated how long I had been a practicing pagan. Over 7 years, wow!

Then today (Sunday) I attended a Healing Festival to show my support for a charity, raising funds to buy a forest.

It was a lovely weekend, that made me contemplate where I go next on my spiritual journey. I hmade a decision to focus on Spirit Communication, Astral Travel & Closening my Connection with the God & Goddess.

In Love and Light ,


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