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Making positive change for those with Type 1 Diabetes

By Health2 Comments

A while ago I blogged about Hope for a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. I had some positive comments from readers (thanks guys & galls).

I received a response from the email I sent to The Faustman Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital it read:

“Hi Antony,

I apologize for the delay in response, our clinical research coordinator has been on medical leave for the past month. Unfortunately, we do not keep track of or comment on other trials. Thank you for your interest and please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you!

Take care,
Rabia Malik”

(From: Email, Recieved: 13th October 09)

I doubt they don’t keep track of other clinical research trials, more likely with the litigation in America they are unwilling to recommend a trial incase it goes wrong and I take them to court. What I liked about their trial is that they are dealing with the cause not the symptoms of the disease.

So I did a Google search to establish the cost of diabetes for the NHS and found this article from The Guardian: Diabetes costs NHS £1m an hour, charity says. Now whereas it includes Type 1 diabetes (my type) and Type 2 they are often bunched together by the media. According to the article:

The total cost to the NHS equates to £9bn-a-year.
(From:, Last accessed: 14th November 09)

So with this in mind, it makes financial sense for the Government to commission research in to a cure for diabetes. So I’ve set up a petition at No. 10 Downing Street, please go to: and sign it.

Many thanks & hugs,


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Psychic Party & Home Warming

By Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, Life, Paganism4 Comments

This weekend some close friends were invited round of a Psychic Party and House Warming. A friend Kay and I prepared the living room/kitchen, see photos below:

(Altar prepared with things for the games.)

(The kitchen.)

(The living room 1.)

(The living room 2.)

(The living room 3.)

A good time was had by all (see photos below). They had the grande tour on their arrival followed by drinks. We then did some Numerology, aura sensing and energy transfer. These activities were followed by food (pizza and nibbles) and then we did some more games: pendulums, tarrot cards and What’s my future game.

Kay and I gave them a gift of a small silver bag with crystals that had been charged with positive energy before they left, which was at twenty-past one.

Kay and I stayed up chatting for an hour after they’d gone and then shattered went to bed. The party was such a success that I intend to hold a psychic party annually.

Write soon,


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Nursing to become a Degree only Profession

By Health5 Comments

In the News a few weeks ago (see BBC News – Nursing to become graduate entry) it was announced that Nurses from 2013 will only be able to train at Degree level. I have mixed feelings about this.

I am proud to be a Nurse. I originally trained as a Diploma student purely for financial reasons. In doing the Diploma the NHS paid all of my tuition fees and gave me a small monthly bursary. If this had not been on offer it would have not been financially viable for me to train. My fellow Diploma students were mostly in their late twenties or early thirties and had young families, the tuition fees and the small bursary enabled them to train. These mature students all reported that they wouldn’t have been able to afforded financially to do the Degree course as they would have had to pay all their own tuition fees and received no bursary. My fellow students I saw on the wards and found them to be caring and ultimately became very knowledgeable competent Nurses.

Social Work is a graduate only profession, meaning that all Social Workers trained after a certain point are degree qualified. Making Nursing a degree level profession adds credibility to the profession, increases Nurses knowledge and overall will enhance patient care. Indeed I have recently gone back to University to upgrade my Diploma to a Degree (see Back to University). All Nurses would agree that enhancing patient care is always a positive thing. So there are lots of positives to making Nursing a degree level profession.

My fear is that people don’t always go in to Nursing as their first profession (i.e. straight from school / college) such as my forma colleagues who were mature students who struggle financially. And even some people who are not mature students such as myself couldn’t have afforded to go in to Nursing if it was a Degree only profession. Therefore we potentially could miss out on some people who have the potential to be good Nurses (i.e. have a caring nature, a desire to make a difference, etc.). So my message to the Nursing and Midwifery Council, the NHS, the educational institutions and the government is:
Continue to make Nurse training financially viable for people from all walks of life regardless of: gender, sexuality, race, religion & disability.

Take Care,


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Dear Me, A letter to my 16 year old self

By Books & Authors, Gay, History, Reviews, Thinking2 Comments

I recently finished reading Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self. Celebrities have written letters to their sixteen year old selfs in aid of the Elton John AIDS Foundation. For each book sold a minimum of £1 goes to the charity.

Contributors include: Will Young, Sir Elton John, Alan Carr, Jonathan Ross, Peter Kay, Jackie Collis, Annie Lennox, Stephen Fry, Liz Smith, Emma Thompson, John Barrowman, Paul O’Grady and many more.

The hard-back book with glossy pages contained hand written letters, typed letters and photos of some the contributors at the age of sixteen. Their messages to themselves included: words of warning, regrets, messages of hope, reassurance that things would be ok, a need to conquer their fears and worries. The book made me laugh, cry and think about myself as a sixteen year old.

Interestingly a friend who knew me at sixteen CS recently got back in touch via Facebook. We had a long phone conversation (over two and a half hours) and are planning to meet for a coffee.

After a lot of thought about myself at sixteen and after speaking to CS I decided to write my own letter to my sixteen year old self. I have wrote my own letter to myself at sixteen (there a a few missed words – must start checking all my writing and edit it properly), here it is:

I would highly recommend you buy Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self for yourself and possibly for a Christmas / Yule present for some of your family or friends. I promise you and them will love it.

Blog soon,



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