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Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion

My 29th Birthday – No Plans, No Pressure and Plenty of Presents

By Friends & Family, Gigs & Shows, Happiness & Joy, LifeNo Comments

Recently was my 29th birthday. For the first time since I can remember I had no plans. That week I had gone back to work on a phased return, so although I was off work on my birthday I was exhausted. So I took it easy and did as little as possible. It felt great to have no pressure to do anything. But next year I’ll be making big plans, especially as it’s the big 3-0.

By 11:30am I was overwhelmed by the number of people who’d left birthday wishes on my Facebook wall. Mum and Ian nipped round after lunch time and that was it for my day. As always I was fortunate to kindly to receive many cards and presents off family and friends.


My New Crystals: Christina, Chris and Quartzy. All on my new Clear Quartz Crystal Bed.

The presents were plentiful and are still coming. These included a clear quartz bed and three quartz crystals (pictured left). I’ve named them Christina, Chris and Quartzy like when Sid off Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs names the T-Rex eggs Egbert, Yoko and Shelly.

Simon got me a Yankee Candle (among other things) and we went out for dinner. Kay bought me Him & Me by Michael & Jack Whitehall (pictured below left).

I’ve started a Minion Family. Steve bought me the small wind up minion Bob (the one with the teddy). I was bought the medium-sized minions that flashes multiple coloured and the small wind up minion Stuart (the one with the guitar) (Pictured below right).


Yankee Candle off Simon and Him & Me book off Kay. 🙂


My Minion Family – New Minions are the medium sized one that glows different colours and the two smaller wind up ones.


Books & DVDs Bought With Birthday Money 🙂

People were incredibly generous and gave me some money. With the money I bought some books, DVDs and a box set off Amazon (pictured left). Here is what I treated myself to:

Top Row: If You Could See Me Now by Cecelia Ahern, The Humans by Matt Haig and Gavin And Stacey – Series 1-3 And 2008 Christmas Special.

Middle Row: Jack Whitehall Live, Jack Whitehall Gets Around and Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion.

Bottom Row: Jerry Maguire and After Earth.

Jayne kindly bought us tickets to see Ruby Wax in her show Sane New World. There’s so much to say about the show that I’ll write a separate blog post. But words that spring to mind when I think about the show are: inspirational, funny and informative.

A huge thank you for everyone that sent me well wishes, bought me cards and presents. Thank you again. It is very kind of you.

At one point on my birthday, I felt a little sad that I’d done nothing and planned nothing on my birthday. But I’ve realised that as the year roles on I’ve got plenty to look forward to including:

  • Mum and Ian getting married and my mum’s 50th.
  • A fishing trip stag do.
  • Simon’s birthday.
  • Summer is coming which means warmer weather and more sunshine.
  • Watching Nina Conti live with Simon.
  • Watching Wheatus with my cousin Jenny.
  • Watching Southport Fireworks Championships Show with Simon.

Blog soon,


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