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Book Review: You’re The One That I Want by Giovanna Fletcher

By Books & Authors, Love & Relationships, ReviewsNo Comments

You’re The One That I want by Giovanna Fletcher is the beautiful love triangle story of three childhood best friends.

Maddy has been best friends with Rob and Ben ever since her family moved to Peaswood when she was nine years old. Together they were an inseparable trio, calling themselves the tripod. That was until puberty hit.

You’re The One That I want starts on Maddy’s wedding day. Waiting for her at the altar is Rob, but it could have just as easily been best man Ben.

This is the dilemma: Rob and Ben both love her and Maddy loves them both back. Is Maddy marrying the right man? As butterflies flutter around in her stomach, Fletcher goes back to the start of their story and tells it tenderly.

You’re The One That I want is filled with charm and seeping in romance.

Fletcher writes in first person perspectives of Maddy, Rob & Ben and switches perspectives brilliantly. The use of first person perspectives is the best way to tell this sort of story. The first few chapters felt fictional because characters were describing meeting one another (at nine years old) and going into far more detail than most people would remember from when they were that age.

Maddy, Rob & Ben are good, likeable characters, that are well-rounded and have flaws. Through use of first person perspective and good characters Fletcher achieves an emotionally resonant connection between the characters and the reader.

The level of detail in description is perfect and Fletcher cleverly uses descriptive references that will take readers in their late twenties to early thirties back to their own childhood’s.

The plot is comfortably predictable and enjoyable. It centres around Ben’s secret love for Maddy. The relationship dilemma and love triangle will split readers, with readers finding themselves taking a side. Some readers will be Team Rob and others will be Team Ben. Personally, I was a Team Ben.

Overall You’re The One That I want is a wonderful book that will have you hooked from the first page to the last. Fletcher should be highly commended on this warm, engaging and delightful read.

Review soon,



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