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A General Life Update (with Photos)

By Amazon, Books & Authors, Home, Life, Music & Radio, Paganism, Pets3 Comments

Hello all,

Today, I’m going to be giving you a general life update (with photos). I’ve been saving to pay off an overdraft and as such I haven’t been out and about as normal. But a few things have gone on in my life recently.

I treated myself to some new bedding. I’d had the old bedding over a decade and it was time for a change. Here’s two of the three sets I bought:


New Bedding #1


New Bedding #2

I also have a Detroit set in various shades of red and white.

My cats are as vocal, mischievous and cute as ever. Here are some photos:


Russell sat looking regal.


My housemate took this photo. Not sure what he was interrupting?

There hasn’t been any decent albums out in ages. However Kylie Minogue recently released Golden, which I am listening to and enjoying:

Kylie Minogue-Golden-Album-Cover-April-2018
View on

I’ve watched a lot of rubbish TV on Netflix. I like programmes that I don’t have to think about, so in the main I’ve watched American documentaries set in prisons or following the Police on the streets. I’ve enjoyed watching anything and everything by Louis Theroux.

I’ve also re-watched some classic films including: Labyrinth, the Back to the Future trilogy, Matilda and Jumanji.

I’ve binged my way through Designated Survivor, all four seasons of Star Trek: Enterprise, all of the available Star Trek: Discovery and laughed my way through Russell Howard’s Recalibrate.

I’ve read The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin. It’s a brilliant book and one that I shall be reviewing soon.


I’ve started and finished The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin. It’s a brilliant book and one that I shall review soon.

I’ve started reading The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert:

I’ve received my signed copy of Boys Keep Swinging: A Memoir by Jake Shears from Waterstones. I haven’t started reading it yet, but intend to do so once I’ve finished The Signature of All Things:


My signed copy of Boys Keep Swinging by Jake Shears, from Waterstones.

I treated myself to this gorgeous Tree of life Pentagram for wearing during rituals. It was bought from Inner Peace Holistic Therapy’s online shop:


How gorgeous is this?

Whenever I’ve not been too tired/exhausted, I’ve tried to spend time with family and friends. I’ve not done as much of this as I would have liked, but going forward I shall try to do more.

Write soon,



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Four Hundred Posts

By The Web2 Comments

This is my four hundredth blog post since I went back to using WordPress about five years ago, before then the site existed in other various formats see Geeky Post: Website Development for previous formats. Whether you’ve been following my blogging for the last five years, had a browse through the archives or are a relatively new reader I wanted to use this post to reflect on some of my life experiences and my growth as a person in this time.

I’ve had many Good Times some of which have been watching various comedians and musical performers. I’ve seen Dylan Moran, Russell Howard, French & Saunders, The Feeling, Tina Turner, Pink, Kylie, John Barrowman and Steps. These experiences have been shared by the most important people in my life my friends and family.

At the beginning of this WordPress blog I wrote about people that inspire me, explaining how my friends and family inspire me. It’s as true today as it was then. Among my close friends I’ve wrote about good times with Simon & Chrys, Sye, Steve, Jayne and Kay. A few recent good times that spring to mind are a trip with Simon & Chrys to Liverpool and visiting Anglesey with Simon.

There have been a few new additions to the family including Shaun the long lost brother, his wife Sarah (see The Wedding of the Year) and their family unit. Dylan and Russell, my two gorgeous bengal kittens have been brought home and added to my family unit. I’m so thankful to have the love and support from my friends and family.

My love life has included dates, relationships, relationship problems and break ups involving several different men. I’ve moved to Spain to start a new life with someone and then moved back when it didn’t work out. I’ve learned from the relationships and although I’ve not yet found that someone special to spend my life with; I’m sure I’ll meet my Mr. Right eventually.

I made the choice to go back to University to complete my Nursing Degree, successfully being awarded a BSc Nursing Hons Upper Second (2:1). I’ve moved out of Nurses accommodation to a grotty house-share and then bought my first home.

Happy times have to be balanced with sad times; saying goodbye to M and experiencing grief after my younger brother Alex passed away are among the few truly sad times in the last 5 years. These events in my life along with others have helped my paganism and spirituality flourish. This has been seen with my Reiki One qualification, my work with Apollo and through me fully embracing pagan festivals such as Samhain.

My writing has developed with changes to subject matters, style, editing, grammar and spelling. Subject matters have changed, from writing purely about me and my life to an increase in reviews of books and films. I feel I’ve managed to keep a careful balance between writing about my life and reviews. I have retained and continue to retain that this is a personal blog, that I write more for me than anyone else. A place to write about experiences I have, memories I want to keep and thoughts that I want to share or reflect upon.

My own individual writing style seems to be unfolding although I’m not sure quite how, or what it will look like when it’s fully formed. I do know my writing is increasingly descriptive and seems at times to have a voice. I used to a write blog post and hit the publish button, whereas now I spend more time editing the post than writing the first draft. This has hopefully led to better grammar and spelling – although I don’t claim these to be perfect. In the past my blogging was a spontaneous event, now I try to write a little each day and this change has probably led to the improvement in my writing.

As I have continued to experience life I’ve certainly grown and developed in many different ways. Life’s events have influenced the way I think, feel or act in situations as they do for everyone. I have enjoyed writing about these events and continue to do so, so here’s looking forward to the next four hundred (plus) posts.

Write soon,


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Anticipated Albums

By Music & RadioNo Comments

There are some really good albums coming out this summer and Whoop! Whoop! I´m excited!

First Night Work by Sissor Sisters. See their first single off the album Fire With Fire:

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Release date: 28th June 2010

Second Aphrodite by Kylie Minogue. Here first single from the album is All the lovers. You can hear it here:

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Release date: 5th July 2010

So it looks like the summer anthems are going to be cheesy pop all the way – love it.

Blog soon,


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Pink is Sexy

By Gigs & Shows, Music & RadioNo Comments

When mum and me got there bottom of the stage kind of looked like a mosh pit (but thankfully without the moshing). The standers started to fill the space, getting as close to the stage as they could. We were the seated and gradually filled too.

Three men came on and never said a word just started playing, we assumed correctly that they were the warm up band. I have to say the warm up band was crap. I’ve known better pub singers (honestly!) and then there was a long wait. But boy….was she worth the wait!

The crowd was mixed but of the standers they were mainly lesbians. Lesbians for those of you who don’t know the gay world, worship pink. Literally worship. Through out the show she was thrown and given gifts. T-shirts, teddy’s, gift bags and plenty of bra’s.

In typical Pink style she started out getting the party started. See photos:

(Pink coming on stage, what an entrance!)

(Indeed she pandered to the lesbians sexual fantasies, although she didn’t need too. Perhap’s sex just part of her personality?)

Then she slowed it down. It was fantastic to see the emotion when she sang and obvious meaning some of these songs had to her:

(Pink slowing things down.)

But it wasn’t long before Pink was back to her upbeat music, with some interesting acrobatics:

And an interesting costume change:

Then when we thought we had seen it all and it was nearly the last song, she slowed us down and got involved with the acrobatics:

(That’s pink up there.)

Mum and I (see below) had a really good night and it gave us time on the journey there and back to talk, we don’t see enough of each other. Mum says she loves how Pink really put on a show, whereas I say I have decided: Pink is Sexy. This is high praise from a gay man, I’ve never even said that about Kylie. Well done Pink.

(Oh and the random girls behind us sussed out after several attempts to get a decent photo of us both, that they were in the picture and decided to smile, or at least I think that’s what they were trying to do?)

Blog soon,


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I aim for posts on this blog to be informative, educational and entertaining. If you have found this post useful or enjoyable, please consider making a contribution by Paypal:

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