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Pink is Sexy

By Monday 26 October 2009Gigs & Shows, Music & Radio

When mum and me got there bottom of the stage kind of looked like a mosh pit (but thankfully without the moshing). The standers started to fill the space, getting as close to the stage as they could. We were the seated and gradually filled too.

Three men came on and never said a word just started playing, we assumed correctly that they were the warm up band. I have to say the warm up band was crap. I’ve known better pub singers (honestly!) and then there was a long wait. But boy….was she worth the wait!

The crowd was mixed but of the standers they were mainly lesbians. Lesbians for those of you who don’t know the gay world, worship pink. Literally worship. Through out the show she was thrown and given gifts. T-shirts, teddy’s, gift bags and plenty of bra’s.

In typical Pink style she started out getting the party started. See photos:

(Pink coming on stage, what an entrance!)

(Indeed she pandered to the lesbians sexual fantasies, although she didn’t need too. Perhap’s sex just part of her personality?)

Then she slowed it down. It was fantastic to see the emotion when she sang and obvious meaning some of these songs had to her:

(Pink slowing things down.)

But it wasn’t long before Pink was back to her upbeat music, with some interesting acrobatics:

And an interesting costume change:

Then when we thought we had seen it all and it was nearly the last song, she slowed us down and got involved with the acrobatics:

(That’s pink up there.)

Mum and I (see below) had a really good night and it gave us time on the journey there and back to talk, we don’t see enough of each other. Mum says she loves how Pink really put on a show, whereas I say I have decided: Pink is Sexy. This is high praise from a gay man, I’ve never even said that about Kylie. Well done Pink.

(Oh and the random girls behind us sussed out after several attempts to get a decent photo of us both, that they were in the picture and decided to smile, or at least I think that’s what they were trying to do?)

Blog soon,


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