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The Progress in 2011, Review of Goals

By Books & Authors, Creativity, Education, Friends & Family, Happiness & Joy, Health, Money / Finances, Paganism, Thinking2 Comments

At the beginning of last January I set some Goals for 2011. I’m going to review the progress I made so that I can look at Goals for 2012. I am going to say at this point as I wrote in my The Annual Christmas Card Letter that it has been an emotionally difficult year due to the death of Alex (see My Darling Baby Brother & Grief). This has undoubtedly had an impact on my progress with some of these goals. So with that said, let’s have a look starting with Health:

1. To quit smoking.
2. To test my blood sugars twice a day.

Well I haven’t quit smoking this year. But I know I need too. So it will probably go on new years goal list.

After recently being ill I have started to test my blood sugars more than twice a day, but it still needs to be on next years goals as I’ve only recently started regularly testing my blood sugars.

3. To complete my Dissertation and Change for Children modules, therefore completing my degree.
4. To complete Complementary Therapies (Teach Yourself Your Evening Class) with Ian (my boyfriend).

As I wrote about in the The Annual Christmas Card Letter because of Alex’s death I didn’t manage to complete the Change for Children module meaning it will be a goal for the year ahead.

Ian and I split up, but I was still determined to at least start Complementary Therapies (Teach Yourself Your Evening Class). That was until I realised the cost of essential oils and the other equipment I’d need. So the course has popped in the cupboard of no return.

5. To use my creativity more in my everyday life.
6. To write a short story per quarter of the year with themes. The themes and deadlines:

Theme Deadline
Heroes and Villains 31st March 2010
Love 30th June 2010
Life & Death/Light & Dark/Good & Bad 30th September 2010
In search of an “object”/Holy grail 31st December 2010

7. To read 10 fiction or autobiographical books and review on the blog.
8. To read 5 pagan books and review on the blog.

I feel that I do use creativity more in my everyday life, especially with this new job.

I haven’t done any creative writing this year, despite setting myself deadlines. I do have some good ideas and hope to write in the year ahead. I want to be Writing Something Worthwhile. I’ve read twelve fiction or autobiographical books, but not managed to review them all on the blog. I hope to catch up with the reviews in the new year. I haven’t managed to read 5 pagan books this year.

Paganism & Spirituality
9. To continue to work on invokation of Apollo.
10. To read Astral Projection for Beginners by Edain McCoy and regularly practice my astral projection.
11. To buy a book on runes, learn runes and practice.
12. Host a psychic party.

My pagan and spiritual development has been somewhat arrested this year. I bought Astral Projection for Beginners by Edain McCoy but then borrowed it out so haven’t read it yet. But I have done some Astral Projection. I also bought runes and a book about it, but runes didn’t connect with me as a method of definition.

13. Pay off credit cards.
14. To not increase my debts.
15. To live more frugally.

My credit card debts have stayed at roughly the same owed. So I’ve managed to not increase my debts which was a goal for this year. But in the year ahead I really need to focus on reducing the debts and the interest that I pay on them. I need to renegotiate my out goings and save regularly for that “rainy day.”

Family and Friends
16. To support them to achieve a state of increased happiness.
17. To see my friend Simon at least once a month.

I hope that I have supported my family and friends to achieve a state of increased happiness. I have given advice, supported them through difficult times and most importantly been their to listen. I’ve definitely achieved the goal to see Simon at least once a month, in fact I’ve exceeded it!

18. Save up to visit the Egyptian Pyramids.

I haven’t managed to save up to visit the Egyptian Pyramids, but it is a place I’d still like to visit.

Coming soon – My Goals for 2012.

Write soon,


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My Minds Willing

By Friends & Family, HealthNo Comments

Dear Family, Friends & People in General,

Thank you for all your invitations. To birthday celebrations, weddings, or for a brew and a chin wag. I love spending time with you all. My mind (and mouth) is always willing to attend a social occasion, but please don’t judge me too hard if sometimes I politely decline.

It’s my body you see. With my diabetes it gets tired. Someday’s I wake up and I feel like I’ve not slept for days. Then I’ve got to do my day, which sometimes leaves me exhausted. So please don’t make me feel guilty for the limitations of my body.

I want to see you and spend time with you, after all I care for you a great deal. I enjoy your company. But I have to accept what my body needs and sometimes that’s sleep.

So if I do decline a social invitation please consider the limitations of my body and don’t make me feel guilty.

My Love,


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Goals for 2011

By Life, Thinking2 Comments

Here’s my goals for 2011. Some are goals regurgitated from 2010 (see Goals for 2010), others are new:

1. To quit smoking.
2. To test my blood sugars twice a day.

3. To complete my Dissertation and Change for Children modules, therefore completing my degree.
4. To complete Complementary Therapies (Teach Yourself Your Evening Class) with Ian (my boyfriend).

5. To use my creativity more in my everyday life.
6. To write a short story per quarter of the year with themes. The themes and deadlines:

Theme Deadline
Heroes and Villains 31st March 2010
Love 30th June 2010
Life & Death/Light & Dark/Good & Bad 30th September 2010
In search of an “object”/Holy grail 31st December 2010

7. To read 10 fiction or autobiographical books and review on the blog.
8. To read 5 pagan books and review on the blog.

Paganism & Spirituality
9. To continue to work on invokation of Apollo.
10. To read Astral Projection for Beginners by Edain McCoy and regularly practice my astral projection.
11. To buy a book on runes, learn runes and practice.
12. Host a psychic party.

13. Pay off credit cards.
14. To not increase my debts.
15. To live more frugally.

Family and Friends
16. To support them to achieve a state of increased happiness.
17. To see my friend Simon at least once a month.

18. Save up to visit the Egyptian Pyramids.

Write soon,


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Review of 2010 Goals I set myself

By Thinking2 Comments

I thought I’d review the goals I set for 2010 before I write my ones for 2011.

First off Health:

1. To get my diabetes under better control by testing my blood sugars at least twice a day.
2. To put on weight. (I know most people want to loose it, but I am 10 stone which is less than I weighed at 15 years old when I was 12 stone)

My blood sugars are under better control since I learn’t to cook during my brief excursion to Benidorm (see Welcome to Benidorm and Back Home). I’m still working on testing my blood sugars twice a day. I’ve also put on a bit of weight. I still need to test my sugars twice a day.

  • Goal 1. partially completed.
  • Goal 2. fully completed.

Next Education:

3. To complete a further two modules towards my degree.

I completed one module earlier on in the year (see Promoting and Influencing Health module results) and have just completed another module on Leadership. In the new year I need to complete my Dissertation module and complete a Change for Children module.

  • Goal 3. completed!


4. To write three short stories.
5. To enter these short stories in Writing Competitions.
6. To read at least fourteen books.
7. To update/tweak/add & remove sections of my website. (as the rest of the site as been poorly maintained since the new site design)

I haven’t managed to do any creative writing this year. Although I have read a total of 14 Books (see Book List 2010). I just need to update it and add The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, which I finished reading the other day – review coming soon, promise.

I also have updated the website, although it’s still a work in progress.

  • Goal 4. and 5. not completed.
  • Goal 6. and 7. completed.

Paganism & Spirituality:

Paganism & Spirituality
8. To host two psychic parties.
9. To buy Astral Projection for Beginners, read it and practice the exercises for more controlled astral projection.
10. Continue to work on invokation of Apollo.
11. Continue to follow Pagan Festivals.

I didn’t manage to host any psychic parties this year. I did buy Astral Travel for Beginners by Richard Webster but didn’t like his writing style and have not finished reading it. I have just ordered Astral Projection for Beginners by Edain McCoy as I like Edain’s writing style.

I have continued to follow Pagan Festivals but haven’t continue to work on invokation of Apollo.

  • Goal 8., 9. and 10. not completed.
  • Goal 11. completed.


12. Save regularly.
13. Pay off an Overdraft.
14. Live more frugally.

I haven’t managed to save regularly, pay off my overdraft or live more frugally. Indeed moving to and from Benidorm has increased my debt. However I have taken in a house mate to help pay off my debts quicker and am making good progress.

  • Goal 12., 13. and 14. not completed.

And Finally, Travel

15. Book a holiday to MyKonos and save for it.

Didn’t quite get to MyKonos, but did get to Benidorm.

  • Goal 15. not completed.

Although more goals were not completed than completed this year; I feel as though I have learned more this year than in the last two. My excursion to Benidrom taught me so much more than I realised at the time. Life sometimes gives opportunities for “life experience” learning. This life experience learning can’t be put on a goals list; as life decides when to offer these opportunities to you.

Will blog soon with my Goals for 2011 post!


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