70 Weeks. That what the current waiting time is for the Ear, Nose & Throat Department is in the NHS near me. I’m managed to secure a much earlier appointment than this, which is in April 2024. But unfortunately this does mean that I’ll be off work for at least another couple of months and will go down to sick pay.
Everyone lives to their means. With no savings to fall back on (and even if I did, they would be unlikely to cover the amount of lost income), I’ve had to contact my creditors and explain the situation. I’ve also had to get creative about bringing in income.

So I’ve decided, mostly out of desperation, to sell my Witchy Services online on Etsy. Now, if you want to learn how to cast Spells for yourself and see some superb examples of Spells checkout SpellCast: Folk Magic for the 21st Century that Luna Hare and I co-authored. But if you’d like a Gay Tarot reading, General Tarot reading or a Spell cast by my good self (an Eclectic Witch with over two decades of experience) see the items below currently available to buy on my Etsy shop:
LGB/Gay Tarot Reading
4 Cards, £3.60
12 Month Tarot Reading
12 Cards, £12.00
Custom Spell Cast
Spell Cast, £16.80
Road Opener Spell Cast
Spell Cast, £30.00
Any and all enquires relating to my Witchy Services are welcome. You can contact me here.
Best Wishes,
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