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The WORST Week of My Life

By HealthNo Comments

Last week was the worst of my life. The hole in the roof of my mouth got bigger. It took away my ability to speak and be understood clearly, restricted my diet and fluid intake and made taking medications challenging.

It sent my mood very low. Apart from attending a coupe of medical appointments, I slept. Day and night. That’s all I did. The situation felt overwhelming.

Its taken me a week to figure it out. I’ve been stressing and worrying about things that I have no control over. It reminded of this page in The Alcohol Therapy Workbook:

So I am re-focusing on what I can control: me. My thoughts and behaviours.

Write soon,


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5 Great Reasons to Come Out as Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual

By GayNo Comments

Today (Wednesday 11th October 2017) is National Coming Out Day. Coming out is when a gay man or lesbian woman disclose that they are attracted to the same sex to someone. Coming out for a bisexual is when they disclose that they are attracted to both sexes to someone.


National Coming Out Day – Wednesday 11th October 2017.

Coming out is a process, rather than a singular experience and is a life long one. Gay, lesbian and bisexual people come out in all areas of their lives including: to family, to friends, to work colleagues, to health & social care professionals, etc. Coming out is diverse, some are out to everyone, some are only out to some people in their lives and some aren’t out at all.

All gay, lesbian and bisexual people remember their first coming out experience and sometimes choose to share their intimate stories with one another. These shared experiences, along with associated emotions can create strong empathetic bonds.

Trans people also go through the process of coming out. I’m not Trans, so this article will only focus on coming out for gay, lesbian and bisexual people.

This article gives 5 great reasons to come out as gay, lesbian or bisexual. But only come out if you feel that it is safe to do so. Don’t put yourself at risk of harm in any way. If you live in a country that mistreats, or persecutes, or where homophobia and biphobia is evident it may be safer not to come out.

Here’s 5 great reasons to come out:

5. More Chance of Meeting Mr or Ms Right
Being out will switch on your gaydar. Suddenly you’ll start to notice attractive gay men, or lesbian women or both sexes everywhere. Being out and becoming part of the out world will lead to more opportunities to meet Mr or Ms Right.

4. A New Lease of Life
Coming out will give you a new lease of life. You’ll become part of the gay community, which is rich with its own unique culture and many sub-cultures. There’s something for everyone in the gay community. You’ll make new friends, lovers and partners.

3. Acceptance
Gay, lesbian and bisexual people going through a process of self-acceptance prior to coming out to others. Part of coming out to others is about gaining acceptance from those you hold dear. Acceptance and tolerance for difference is something that has always been a struggle for humans. But slowly, in more and more countries around the world, we are becoming more tolerant, inclusive and accepting.

LGB (Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual) people in some places gave gained more rights and protections. In some places they have been given truer equality, just think about the legal right marry their partners.

In history most LGB were not able to marry their partners because they were of the same sex. Yet straight people have always been able to marry their partners. By allowing all to marry their partners, irrespective of gender, is true equality. You can read more about The History of Marriage (in the UK) here.

2. Happier and Healthier
You’ll be happier not keeping the secret from people. Keeping your sexuality is a secret is a lot of work: watching what you say, watching what you do and watching how you behave.

Add to the above saying, doing and behaving like others would expect a straight person to. Analysing situations in your head for a long time after they’ve happened, wondering if your act was good enough?

You will be mentally healthier as well. Those who are not out are more at risk of depression, anxiety and other mental health illnesses due to feelings of isolation and the burden of keeping the secret.

1. Be Yourself
Coming out gives you the chance to be your whole self, without having to hide one of the most important aspects of yourself.

Are there any other great reasons to come out? Leave a comment below.

Blog soon,


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#MentalHealthMonday – A list of Famous People who have experienced Mental Illness

By Health, Inspiration, ThinkingNo Comments

Below are a list of famous people who have experienced mental health illness (in alphabetical order and by condition):

Anxiety and depression often coexist. Bipolar is characterised by episodes of mania which can include anxiety and episodes of depression. So although many of these people could fit under more than one mental illness, I have placed them in the condition that I feel bet fits.



Charles Darwin, Naturalist & Geologist [Deceased]
According to Amanda Green
Image From & Copyright © Wikipedia.


Heath Ledger, Actor [Deceased]
According to Amanda Green
Image From & Copyright © HeathUltimate on Tumblr.


Matt Haig, Author
According to his own book Reasons to Stay Alive
Image From & Copyright © Matt Haig


Vincent van Gogh, Painter [Deceased]
According to Brain Pickings
Image From & Copyright © Wikipedia.




Ben Stiller, Comedian & Actor
According to Amanda Green
Image From & Copyright © Vulture.


Britney Spears, Singer
According to Amanda Green
Image From & Copyright © Celebmafia.


Carrie Fisher, Advocate & Actress [Deceased]
According to Hannah Parkinson at The Guardian
Image From & Copyright © The Wall Street Journal.


Catherine Zeta-Jones, Actress
According to Express
Image From & Copyright © Wikipedia.


Isaac Newton, Mathematician & Physicist [Deceased]
According to Famous Bipolar People
Image From & Copyright © Wikipedia.


Russell Brand, Comedian
According to Wikipedia
Image From & Copyright © Letters Live.




Abraham Lincoln, Politician & Former President of the USA [Deceased]
According to Amanda Green
Image From & Copyright © bio.


Alanis Morissette, Singer
According to Amanda Green
Image From & Copyright © Alanis Morissette on Twitter.


Anne Rice, Author
According to Your Dictionary
Image From & Copyright © The Daily Beast.


Charles Dickens, Writer [Deceased]
According to Amanda Green
Image From & Copyright © bio.


Denise Welch, Actor & Presenter
According to Denise Welch in the Mirror
Image From & Copyright © Daily Star Sunday.


Dolly Parton, Singer
According to Dolly Parton in the Mirror
Image From & Copyright © Syedammaralavi1 on Pinterest.


Drew Barrymore, Actress
According to Caroline Bologna on The Huffington Post
Image From & Copyright © Drew Barrymore on Twitter.


Emma Thompson, Writer & Actress
According to Roya Nikkhah at The Telegraph
Image From & Copyright © Hamilton Hodell Talent Management.


George Michael, Singer [Deceased]
According to People Music
Image From & Copyright © Lynn Allaway on The Huffington Post.


Harrison Ford, Actor & Film Producer
According to living in stigma
Image From & Copyright © QUEERTY.


J.K Rowling, Author
According to The Mighty
Image From & Copyright © MTV.


Jim Carrey, Comedian & Actor
According to Mental Health Daily Blog
Image From & Copyright © AngelicView.


Kylie Minogue, Singer
According to Amanda Green
Image From & Copyright © Mirror.


Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, Princess [Deceased]
According to
Image From & Copyright © Dr. Rebecca Hains.


Robbie Williams, Singer
According to The Independent
Image From & Copyright © Robbie Williams Store.


Robin Williams, Comedian & Actor [Deceased]
According to The Independent
Image From & Copyright © DAVID LANZILAO/REDUX on Daily Beast.


Ruby Wax, Comedian, Actress & Writer
According to herself in her autobiography How Do You Want Me? and in her two books about mental health: Sane New World & Frazzled
Image From & Copyright ©


Stephen Fry, Presenter & Writer
According to Stephen Fry himself on his blog
Image From & Copyright © Stephen Fry.


Stephen King, Author
According to Stephen King himself in an interview with The Guardian
Image From & Copyright © eddymarchini on Pinterest.


Trisha Goddard, Presenter
According to Amanda Green
Image From & Copyright © Alchetron.


Winston Churchill, Politician and Former Prime Minister of the UK [Deceased]
According to Paul Foley at the Black Dog Institute. Winston Churchill famously called his depression the black dog.
Image From & Copyright © ITV News.


I know there’s loads of famous people who have experience of mental illness who are not on these lists. If you feel compelled to tell me whom I’ve missed off, please leave a comment below.

The point of this blog post is to show someone experiencing mental illness that they are not alone. That they are among the great and the good.


Last year I wrote a series of blog posts with a Mental Health Focus. You can read them here: 5 Brilliant TED Talks About Mental Health, I’ve Been One of the 1 in 4, A List of Common Conditions and Treatment & Recovery.

Write soon,


I aim for posts on this blog to be informative, educational and entertaining. If you have found this post useful or enjoyable, please consider making a contribution by Paypal:

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#MentalHealthMonday – General Statistics for Mental Health in the UK

By HealthNo Comments

Here are some general statistics for mental health in the UK:


Time to Change (2016) Myths/facts, Last accessed: 4th December 2016.
Mental Health Foundation (2015) Fundamental Facts About Mental Health 2015, Last accessed: 4th December 2016.
Mind (2016) Mental health facts and statistics – Key facts and statistics on mental health problems and issues, Last accessed: 4th December 2016.
Mental Health Network NHS Confederation (2016) Factsheet March 2016 Key facts and trends in mental health 2016 update, Last accessed: 4th December 2016.


Last year I wrote a series of blog posts with a Mental Health Focus. You can read them here: 5 Brilliant TED Talks About Mental Health, I’ve Been One of the 1 in 4, A List of Common Conditions and Treatment & Recovery.

Write soon,



I aim for posts on this blog to be informative, educational and entertaining. If you have found this post useful or enjoyable, please consider making a contribution by Paypal:

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