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The Wonder

Book Review: The Wonder by Emma Donoghue

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In The Wonder by Emma Donoghue, Lib, a Nightingale trained Nurse accepts a job in Ireland. Her job is to observe Anna, a child whom claims not to have eaten in months. Anna and her family claim that she is being maintained by manor from heaven. Lib’s job is to prove or disprove these claims with the help of a Roman Catholic Nun.

Sounds simple enough? Well nothing about this cleverly woven story is simple. Each of the characters is complex, felt completely real and has their own secrets that are revealed over the course of the story.

Lib and the Nun agree watch shifts, ensuring that Anna is watched at all times. Lib immediately sets to stripping down the room to search for food.

Visitors flock to see The Wonder, the child who can survive without food. Lib immediately puts a stop to the visitors. Lib even limits the contact Anna has with her mother and other family members. All to prevent any food from being slipped covertly to the child. Throughout Lib’s watches she keeps a memorandum book noting down anything observed.

Whilst off-duty Lib meets Byrne, a Correspondent for the Irish Times. At first she wont say much about Anna, Anna’s family or the situation because she is concerned about confidentiality. But as Lib notices subtle deterioration in Anna’s health, Lib confides in Byrne.

The plot starts at a crawl, to slow for me. But pacing does increase to the equivalent of brisk walk from the middle to the end of the book. The ending is inventive, imaginative and overall pleasing.

The Wonder was a Christmas I requested off my mum. The description online didn’t tell me much about the story. If I’d known it was historical fiction, I probably wouldn’t have asked for it. I’m really not into historical fiction. With that said, it was an enjoyable read. But not a story that I would read again.

If you like historical fiction or stories set in Ireland then The Wonder is worth picking up. The Wonder is available to buy on Amazon and at all good book shops.

Review soon,



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Christmas: Fabulous Food, Drunken Drinks, Family Fun and the passing of George Michael, Liz Smith & Carrie Fisher

By Friends & Family, Games, Happiness & JoyNo Comments

I’ve had the most brilliant Christmas! Filled with fabulous food, drunken drinks and family fun.

I’ve had two Christmas dinners and one buffet, plenty of Prosecco and the occasional Bailey’s coffee. My family and I have played Bingo, The Game of Life (junior edition) and Minion Monopoly with my five year old Nephew.

I have been treated to some terrific presents, each one I am extremely appreciative for, including: Tickets to see Sister Act next year, two Yankee candles (cosy by the fire & Christmas cookie scented), five books (Cell by Stephen King, The Wonder by Emma Donoghue, More Moaning by Karl Pilkington, Insomnia by Stephen King & 11.22.63 by Stephen King), lots of Harry Potter goodies, a minion cup, some chocolate, some clothes and other stocking fillers.

2016 has been a year of losing some great creative people. Death comes to us all, but this year we’ve all felt these deaths. We started in January with the loss of David Bowie (which I blogged about here: The Life of David Bowie), then it was Alan Rickman. In April we lost Victoria Wood (which I blogged about here: Today the World has Lost a Great Source of Laughter). Unfortunately Death wasn’t going to give us a break over Christmas. Over Christmas we have lost George Michael, Liz Smith and Carrie Fisher:


Past Away This Christmas: George Michael, Liz Smith & Carrie Fisher

Lets hope that Death is kinder in 2017 and doesn’t continue to take so many of our wonderfully creative people. Lets also hope that currently unknown creative people have the right luck and opportunities to find their public.

Write soon,


I aim for posts on this blog to be informative, educational and entertaining. If you have found this post useful or enjoyable, please consider making a contribution by Paypal:

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