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semiregular man date

A List of Things I’ve Done on a Week of Annual Leave

By Amazon, Books & Authors, Friends & Family, Games, Gay, Happiness & Joy, Health, Life2 Comments

I’ve just been off work for a week on much needed annual leave. I’ve had a great week off, the weather has been warm, but with intermittent sun and showers. Here’s a list of things I’ve done:

  • Had plenty of rest and relaxation – including some naps here and there.
  • Finished reading Carrie by Stephen King and reviewed it.
  • Attended Wigan Pride (gay pride event), organised by BYOU+. It was a great event which included: a parade led by the legendary Sir Ian Mckellen (better known to some as Gandalf or X-Men’s Magneto), a stage with local performers performing (also opened by Mckellen) and a marketplace of information stalls. BYOU+ and the residence of Wigan did Wigan proud and it is an event that I shall look forward to attending again in the future. Here are some photos from the day:

Wigan Pride Parade (1)


Wigan Pride Parade (2)


Wigan Pride Parade (3)


Wigan Pride Parade (4)


Wigan Pride Parade (5)


The closest I could get to Sir Ian Mckellen (under the rainbow brolly).


Wigan Pride Main Stage


Sir Ian Mckellen opening the main stage (1)


Sir Ian Mckellen opening the main stage (2)


A photo of a rainbow from my bedroom window.

Blog soon,


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Last Weekend: The Man Date & The Family BBQ

By Friends & Family, Happiness & JoyNo Comments

Last weekend was great. I had my semiregular Man Date with a straight friend on Saturday. We dined in style at a posh place, caught up and then went back to his for more talk and brews.

I went to my mum’s for a family BBQ on Sunday with glorious summer weather. It was fantastic for the extended family to get together and have time to talk and connect.

This has been my mantra for the last few weeks, it’s how I feel and what I’ve told to anyone that will listen:


This weekend I’m going to see La Cage Aux Folles with Simon and Chrys and to see Despicable Me 3 with Steve. Here’s a trailer for Despicable Me 3:

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Hope you all have a brilliant weekend,



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